Principal Investigator Gerd Bacher

Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher
Phone: +49 203 379 3406
Electronic Materials and Nanostructures
Faculty of Engineering
University of Duisburg-Essen

Project Area BB3: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Spinel and Perovskite Oxides
The subproject B3 aims at identifying the main kinetic bottlenecks of charge carrier dynamics in photocatalytic and electrocatalytic processes. Therefore, the project focuses on elaborating the mutual relation between real structure, charge carrier dynamics and catalytic activity of spinel and perovskite catalysts
> more about B3
Curriculum Vitae
Professional carrer
since 2003 | Chair of Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik at the University Duisburg-Essen |
1996 - 1997 | Guest professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan |
1993 - 2003 | Group leader of II-VI nanomaterials and devices at Würzburg University |
1988 - 1993 | Scientific co-worker in course of doctoral studies at Stuttgart University |
Scientific education and degrees
1998 | Habilitation in Physics at Würzburg University; topic: Nanostructured II-VI semiconductors: quantum systems and optoelectronic devices |
1993 | Doctoral degree from the University of Stuttgart (Prof. Dr. M. Pilkuhn) |
1988 | Diploma degree from the University of Stuttgart (Prof. Dr. M. Pilkuhn) |
1982 - 1988 | Studies of physics at Stuttgart University |
Positions and functions (selection)
- Board Member NMWP e.V (since 2013)
- Member of Technical Committee 5, ASIIN e.V (since 2012);
- Chairman of Examination Board course of studies “NanoEngineering / UDE (since 2006);
- Board Member, Center for Nanointegration / UDE (2007-2012)
- Deputy Coordinator Research Training Group 1240, “Nanotronics” (2006-2011);
- Vice Dean, Faculty of Engineering, UDE (2004-2007)
Selected Publications
- S. Wepfer, J. Frohleiks, A-Ra Hong, H.S. Jang, G. Bacher, E. Nannen, Solution-processed CuInS2-based white QD-LEDs with mixed active layer architecture, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 11224 (2017)
- F. Muckel, J. Yang, S. Lorenz, W. Baek, H. Chang, T. Hyeon, G. Bacher, R. Fainblat, Digital doping in magic-sized CdSe clusters, ACS Nano 10, 7135 (2016)
- R. Koester, D. Sager, W.A. Quitsch, O. Pfingsten, A. Poloczek, S. Blumenthal, G. Keller, W. Prost, G. Bacher, F.-J. Tegude, High-Speed GaN/GaInN Nanowire Array Light-Emitting Diode on Silicon(111), Nano Letters 15, 2318 (2015).
- J. Yang, R. Fainblat, S.G. Kwon, F. Muckel, J.H. Yu, H. Terlinden, B.H. Kim, D. Iavarone, M.K. Choi, I.Y. Kim, I. Park, H.-K. Hong, J. Lee, J.S. Son, Z. Lee, K. Kang, S.J. Hwang, G. Bacher, T. Hyeon, Route to the smallest doped semiconductor: Mn2+-doped (CdSe)13 clusters, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 12776 (2015).
- P. Felbier, J. Yang, J. Theis, R.W. Liptak, A. Wagner, A. Lorke, G. Bacher, U. Kortshagen, Highly luminescent ZnO quantum dots made in a nonthermal plasma, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 1988 (2014).
- R. Fainblat, J. Frohleiks, F. Muckel, J. H. Yu, J. Yang, T. Hyeon, G. Bacher, Quantum Confinement-Controlled Exchange Coupling in Manganese(II)-Doped CdSe Two-Dimensional Quantum Well Nanoribbons, Nano Letters 12, 5311-5317 (2012)
- T. Kümmell, S.V. Zaitsev, A. Gust, C. Kruse, D. Hommel, G. Bacher, Radiative recombination in photoexcited quantum dots up to room temperature: The role of fine structure effects, Phys. Rev. B 81, 241306(R) (2010)
- R. Beaulac, L. Schneider, P.I. Archer, G. Bacher, D.R. Gamelin, Light-induced spontaneous magnetization in doped colloidal quantum dots, Science 325, 973 (2009).
- M. Scheibner, T. Schmidt, L. Worschech, A. Forchel, G. Bacher, T. Passow, D. Hommel, Superradiance of quantum dots, Nature Physics 3, 106 (2007).
- S. Polarz, A. Roy, M. Merz, S. Halm, D. Schröder, L. Schneider, G. Bacher, F.E. Kruis, M. Driess, Chemical vapor synthesis of size-selected Zinc Oxide nanoparticles, Small 1, 540 (2005)