News of the EFL Education Section

05.03.2025 - 09:25:45

Congratulations, Dr. Joel Guttke

On February 24, 2025, Joel Guttke successfully defended his PhD thesis on ‘Cognitive activation in the primary EFL classroom’ ...

28.02.2025 - 10:57:46

Joel Guttke was awarded the poster prize at the ‘Tag der Bildungsforschung’ - 18th of Feburary

The EFL team congratulates Joel Guttke on being awarded the poster prize at the ‘Tag der Bildungsforschung’ of the ‘Interdisziplinäres ...

10.02.2025 - 12:04:00

Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden & Joel Guttke: 12th annual GEBF conference

This year’s conference of the Association of Empirical Research in Education (Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung ...

28.10.2024 - 17:44:46

Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden: FIBAA accreditation in Kupang/Indonesia

As part of a FIBAA accreditation Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden visited the Nusa Cendana University in Kupang in West Timor/Indonesia ...

24.09.2024 - 17:49:57

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merse: Beirat Anglistikverband

At the General Assembly of the 'Deutscher Anglistikverband' that took place at the 'Anglistiktag 2024' in Augsburg, Prof. ...

24.09.2024 - 17:18:09

Conference on Second Language Teacher Education in Brno

In September, Eva Wilden and Joel Guttke attended SLTED 2024, this year’s conference on Second Language Teacher Education, ...

12.09.2024 - 11:44:40

Dr. Antje Baumann – New Member of the EFL Education Team

Dr. Antje Baumann has joined the EFL Education team. She holds a teaching position (Studienrätin im Hochschuldienst) at UDE ...

09.09.2024 - 11:58:22

Joint research initiative on instructional quality in EFL education

Professor Dr. Stefan Keller and Angela Schlatter (Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich) visited us from August 4-6, 2024. The objective ...

21.08.2024 - 12:37:09

Dr. Astrid Klooth - Delegation trip in August 2024: One week visit to Portsmouth, Duisburg's long-standing twin town

Dr. Astrid Klooth, vice chairperson of Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg and member of Duisburg Anglo-German Friends ...

14.08.2024 - 15:21:56

Evelyn Ehlert: Erasmus+ International Staff Training Week at Unversitat Politécnica de València (UPV)

Evelyn Ehlert visited the UPV during a five-day International Staff Training Week aimed at improving the key professional ...

16.05.2024 - 09:30:08

IATEFL Conference - Albert Biel presented on gender and sexual diversity in language education

The IATEFL (International Association for Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Conference took place in Brighton from April ...

13.05.2024 - 10:41:25

Your Chance: Excursion to Liverpool from 01. to 06. of August - Kick off meeting on 23rd of May

Interested in Liverpool? The Beatles? Liverpool Football Club? British Maritime history? Victorian architecture? Pulsating ...

02.05.2024 - 10:51:01

Two presentations at the Inaugural ELLRA Conference

The Inaugural ELLRA (Early Language Learning Research Assosciation) Conference took place from April 25-27 and was organized ...

16.04.2024 - 13:19:28

Alicia Damitsch – Presentation at 15. Nachwuchstagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sprachendidaktik

This year’s early career researcher conference on language education research by the ÖGSD took place in Vienna on April 5 ...

16.04.2024 - 13:05:18

Workshop on ADHD in EFL Education

We cordially invite secondary EFL teachers across the Ruhrgebiet to participate in the ADHD Toolkit, a two-day workshop on ...

13.04.2024 - 13:04:10

Presentation at the 11th annual GEBF Conference

On March 19, Jennifer Quast and Joel Guttke gave a talk at the 11th annual conference of the Association of Empirical Research ...

27.03.2024 - 10:28:52

Dr. Astrid Klooth: Erasmus Guest Lecturer at Balearic Islands University (UIB): 19-23 February 2024

As part of the ERASMUS lecturer mobility programme, Dr. Klooth was invited by the English Department to give talks on Cultural ...

11.03.2024 - 09:23:54

Presentation at the LiCo Conference in Münster

On March 7, Joel Guttke gave a talk at the International Conference on Foreign Language Listening Comprehension, organized ...

17.01.2024 - 20:33:33

Bachelor Thesis in EFL Education? Summer term application procedure is open from 05 February – 08 March.

The EFL education team uses a centralised and standardised procedure for allocating BA theses supervisors per semester. For ...

16.10.2023 - 13:22:01

Help us research primary EFL education in Germany

In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Raphaela Porsch, University of Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden and Joel Guttke conduct a survey ...

15.10.2023 - 13:19:59

Joel Guttke - Presentation at 30. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung

This year’s conference on research into foreign language education (30. DGFF Kongress) took place in Freiburg im Breisgau ...

15.10.2023 - 13:08:02

Dr. Katja Heim - Presentation at 30. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung

This year’s conference on research into foreign language education (DGFF Kongress) took place in Freiburg im Breisgau from ...

24.08.2023 - 11:32:28

Dr. Astrid Klooth - Delegation trip in August 2023: One week visit to Portsmouth, Duisburg´ s long-standing twin town

Dr. Astrid Klooth, vice chairperson of Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg and member of Duisburg Anglo-German Friends ...

11.06.2023 - 12:21:18

Talk by Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden and Prof. Dr. Raphaela Porsch at conference in Ascona, Switzerland in June 2023

Together with Raphaela Porsch (Magdeburg University) Eva Wilden gave a talk at the conference on ‘Evidence-based Foreign Language ...

28.04.2023 - 12:19:49

Out now: Standortbestimmungen in der Fremdsprachenforschung

We are happy to announce the release of the book “Standortbestimmungen in der Fremdsprachenforschung”. Being edited by Eva ...

26.04.2023 - 13:20:23

The EFL Education team participated in the 56th IATEFL conference (17-21 April 2023)

At this year's IATEFL conference in Harrogate, our team was proud to represent the Department of EFL Education of the University ...

02.04.2023 - 13:11:36

Dr. Astrid Klooth – Guest lecturer at Catania University: 26 March-30 March 2023

As part of the ERASMUS lecturer mobility programme, Dr. Klooth was invited by the Department of Modern Languages to give talks ...

23.09.2022 - 11:47:23

Neil Deane - Anglophone Studies Liverpool excursion 2022

A once in a student-lifetime experience: Neil Deane accompanies 15 students to Liverpool

22.09.2022 - 10:43:59

Dr. Astrid Klooth - Delegation trip: One week visit to Portsmouth, Duisburg's long-standing twin town

Dr. Astrid Klooth, vice chairperson of Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg and member of Duisburg Anglo-German Friends ...

31.05.2022 - 11:49:00

Conference: Negotiating Difference, Embracing Diversity: Perspectives for EFL Education - June 30, 2022

Negotiating Difference, Embracing Diversity: Perspectives for EFL Education Student and young researchers conference Questions ...

27.05.2022 - 10:04:32

Get Together with Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung (ZfsL) Gelsenkirchen

After last year’s fruitful Get Together with ZfsL Gelsenkirchen, the seminar "Teaching English in Theory and Practice" taught ...

25.05.2022 - 14:24:26

Visiting researcher - Dr. Ruth Trüb

Ruth Trüb, lecturer for teaching English at primary school and post-doctoral researcher at Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW, Switzerland, ...

23.05.2022 - 20:02:03

Lena Hertzel – New to the EFL Education Team

In May 2022, Lena Hertzel joined the EFL Education team as a new research assistant. She graduated with a Master of Education ...

17.12.2021 - 08:21:23

Katharina Böhm - invited speaker in EFL-Education seminar

On Dec. 14, 2021 Katharina Böhm, special education teacher from Raoul-Wallenberg-Schule (Dorsten), gave a talk on “Inklusiver ...

18.11.2021 - 13:29:08

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merse – neu berufener Professor im Team der Didaktik des Englischen

Neuzugang an der UDE Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merse bereichert das Team der Fachdidaktik des Englischen und steht - unter anderem ...

18.10.2021 - 10:34:10

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merse – New Professor in EFL Education

In October 2021 Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merse has joined the EFL Education team. Prof. Merse has a special focus on Teaching Anglophone ...

14.09.2021 - 18:14:55

DGFF-Kongress an der UDE - online vom 22. bis 24. September

Digitaler DGFF-Kongress an der UDE: Rund 500 Forschende und Lehrkräfte widmen sich vom 22. bis 24. September Standortbestimmungen ...

01.09.2021 - 20:09:21

AILA World Congress 2021 talk by Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden

On Aug. 17, 2021 Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden gave a talk at the Online AILA World Congress 2021 hosted from Groningen in the Netherlands. ...

23.08.2021 - 18:32:53

Prof. Dr. Bernd Rüschoff was awarded the AILA Honorary Membership

On August 16th 2021, Prof. Dr. Bernd Rüschoff was awarded the AILA Honorary Membership. The AILA 2021 online award ceremony ...

28.07.2021 - 18:54:24

Congratulations to Rebecca Schlieckmann on completing her PhD

Rebecca Schlieckmann has successfully completed her dissertation on “Der Übergang von der Primar- in die Sekundarstufe im ...

21.06.2021 - 22:00:00

Dr. Luisa Alfes was honoured with the UDE teaching award

Dr. Luisa Alfes was honoured with the UDE teaching award for her extraordinary performance in teaching future EFL teachers. ...

21.06.2021 - 18:06:33

Digitale Fachtage Fremdsprachen für Lehrer*innen

22.-24. September 2021, Universität Duisburg-Essen Nach 30 Jahren kommt der Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen ...

11.06.2021 - 16:17:47

Digital Tools in Inclusive EFL Education

On June 9, Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden and Joel Guttke presented a lecture at the University of Duisburg-Essen. As part of the lecture ...

01.06.2021 - 16:06:04

Get Together with Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung (ZfsL) Gelsenkirchen

On Monday, May 31st, the seminar "Teaching English in Theory and Practice" taught by Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden and supported by ...

22.05.2021 - 12:19:50

Talk by Eva Wilden - The debate on primary EFL education in North Rhine-Westphalia - University of Bonn

On May 20, 2021 Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden gave an online talk about ‘The debate on primary EFL education in North Rhine-Westphalia. ...

29.03.2021 - 11:50:32

Bachelor Thesis in EFL Education? A New Procedure

From the beginning of the summer term 2021, the EFL team will be operating a new procedure for allocating the supervision ...

17.03.2021 - 11:44:38

Webinars by Julian Sudhoff on CLIL Teaching - 15th & 16th of March, IPRASE, Trentino, Italy

On 15th & 16th of March, Julian Sudhoff held teacher training webinars for the IPRASE Institute, Trentino, Italy. In these ...

04.03.2021 - 10:05:40

Presentation at the University of Münster: Mit Bildern Lernen – visual literacy im Fremdsprachenunterricht

On March 2, 2021, Dr. Luisa Alfes contributed to the 9. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen at the University of Münster (Westfälische ...

26.01.2021 - 18:00:00

Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden on expert panel for national educational standards

Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden has been appointed to the expert panel developing the national educational standards for secondary education ...

12.01.2021 - 10:10:10

Daniel Böhm on “Zieldifferenter Englischunterricht”

On January 12th, Daniel Böhm (Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerbildung Gelsenkirchen, Lehramt für sonderpädagogische Förderung ...

08.01.2021 - 18:00:00

Online Workshop - The Power of Pictures and Their Stories

On January 8th, Dr. Luisa Alfes was invited to hold an online workshop at the University of Koblenz-Landau which dealt with ...

08.12.2020 - 12:15:32

Universal participation through universal design for language learning

On December 8th, Jun.-Prof.’in Dr. Carolyn Blume (TU Dortmund) delivered an engaging talk on “Universal participation through ...

13.11.2020 - 16:10:21

Conference Talk - Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning

On Nov. 13, 2020, Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden gave an online talk at the virtual TEdELL2020 conference on ‘Teachers and teacher educators: ...

21.10.2020 - 14:01:14

Informationen für Studierende im ersten Semester (EFL Education)

The first session of this lecture is going to take place on November 2, 2020, at 8.15 AM – 9.45 AM via Zoom. To get access ...

01.09.2020 - 18:00:00

Teaching English Out-of-Field in Primary School: Differences in Professional Characteristics and Effects on Instructional Quality

On the 29th of August 2020, Prof. Dr. Raphaela Porsch (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg) gave a talk entitled ‘Teaching ...

03.08.2020 - 11:00:00

Information on the registration for EFL seminars

The EFL education team presents a new procedure for allocating remaining seminar seats to those students who did not get a ...

03.08.2020 - 10:00:00

Neurodiversity in the EFL Classroom: Linnea Zülch on Dyslexia

On July 3rd, Linnea Zülch, a Swedish-German university student in Stockholm, gave a talk sharing fascinating and emotional ...

22.07.2020 - 10:00:00

Neurodiversity in the EFL Classroom: Marc Jones on ADHD

On June 26th, Marc Jones, an English teacher at Tokyo Kasei University and an expert on ADHD, gave an amazing talk on the ...

01.07.2020 - 12:00:00

DGFF Congress 2021

The EFL education department is pleased to announce that the 29th DGFF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung) ...

14.06.2020 - 18:00:00

Neurodiversity in the EFL Classroom: Aleksander Knauerhase on Autism

On Mai 29th 2020, Aleksander Knauerhase, autist, teacher, and speaker, was a guest in the seminar “Neurodiversity in the EFL ...

11.06.2020 - 18:00:00

Nachschreibtermin FD1.1 Klausur

New Date for Make-up Exam FD1.1

A new date has been set for the make-up exam Modul FD1.1: Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It will take place in room ...

05.05.2020 - 10:00:00

Praxissemester Summer Term 2020

For current information regarding the Praxissemester in the summer term 2020, please refer to the attached document.

06.04.2020 - 10:00:00

Erasmus+ Mobility at Pamukkale University, Turkey

From 30/03/2020 to 03/04/2020 Samuel Sanders was invited to Pamukkale University (PAU) in the Denizli Province of Turkey as ...

25.03.2020 - 14:30:00

1st Digital EFL Education Team Meeting

In times of Corona, the EFL Education Team conducted its first online meeting to discuss new (digital) ways and options of ...

25.03.2020 - 14:25:43

Substitute Professorship at the Bergische Universität

The EFL Education Team is proud to announce that Katja Heim takes on a substitute professorship at the Bergische Universität ...

17.03.2020 - 10:26:19

Update Post-Exam Review: Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Due to Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2, the Post-Exam Review: Teaching English as a Foreign Language will be postponed. You will ...

10.03.2020 - 09:25:25

Nutzung von Digitalisierungspotenzialen in der Englischlehrerbildung (Potentials of Digitalization in EFL Teacher Education)

In the light of digitalisation, aspiring teachers face the challenge of integrating digital tools in the EFL classroom. This ...

20.02.2020 - 09:35:21

Guest Lecture, Münster - Selected Aspects of SLA/ELT - CEFR

On January 15, 2020, Prof. Dr. Bernd Rüschoff was invited to hold a guest lecture at the University of Münster (Westfälische ...

13.02.2020 - 02:33:19

Seminar, Münster - New Approaches to Teaching Literature and Culture in the EFL Classroom

From 3rd – 5th of February, 2020, Dr. Luisa Alfes gave a seminar at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität ...

11.02.2020 - 09:27:32

Guest Lecture, Saarbrücken – CLIL

On February 7, 2020, Dr. Julian Sudhoff was invited to hold a guest lecture and workshop at the LPM Saarbrücken (Landesinstitut ...

06.02.2020 - 10:00:00

MA-Seminar, WWU Münster - Modern Approaches to Foreign Language Teaching

From 27/01/2020 to 03/02/2020 Samuel Sanders taught a MA-seminar at Munster University (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität ...

01.02.2020 - 10:29:04

Tag der Bildungsforschung, UDE - Teaching English in Primary Schools

On February 5, 2020, Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden contributed to the Tag der Bildungsforschung at the University of Duisburg-Essen ...

25.01.2020 - 11:38:19

Workshop, Koblenz - Classroom Management

On January 10, 2020, Dr. Luisa Alfes gave a workshop about Classroom Management at the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung at the University ...

30.11.2019 - 07:44:11

Guest Lecture, Münster - Selected Aspects of SLA/ELT - CLIL

On November 13, 2019, Dr. Julian Sudhoff was invited to hold a guest lecture at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität ...

30.11.2019 - 02:42:35

Netzwerktag Digitalisierung

On November 25, 2019, Dr. Katja Heim contributed a poster presentation at the Netzwerktag Digitalisierung at the University ...

30.11.2019 - 02:40:16

Netzwerktag Digitalisierung

On November 25, 2019, Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden in collaboration with Dr. Luisa Alfes, Joel Guttke, and Natalie Hofstra contributed ...

10.11.2019 - 07:46:28

Digitalisierung und das CEFR Companion Volume

On November 8, 2019, Prof. Dr. Eva Wilden gave a talk about ‚Digitalisierung und das CEFR Companion Volume‘ at the University ...

07.10.2019 - 02:49:07

Englisch inklusiv has a new name: Krystina Mensing joined the EFL education team

We welcome Krystina Mensing, who is the team’s new driving force for inclusive EFL education. As a researcher on the project ...

29.09.2019 - 10:50:26

The English Language Classroom in the Digital Age – New Ways Forward

On Monday the 16th of September 2019, three groups of EFL-practitioners met to explore the latest trends and future scenarios ...