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Dr. Karen Jaehrling


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Jaehrling, Karen, 2015: "Cleaning up: How hospital outsourcing is hurting workers and endangering patients" by Dan Zuberi. Book Review. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 53 (1), pp. 167-169

Jaehrling, Karen / Kalina, Thorsten / Mesaros, Leila, 2015: A Paradox of Activation Strategies: Why Increasing Labour Market Participation among Single Mothers Failed to Bring Down Poverty Rates. In: Social Politics 22 (1), pp. 86-110

Jaehrling, Karen / Weinbach, Christine, 2015: Arbeitsvermittlung zwischen Kunst und Kennziffer: Ermessensspielräume in der Arbeitsverwaltung. Bonn: FES. Wiso direkt Juni 2015, ISBN: 978-3-95861-171- 9 | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen, 2015: Does the new managerialism stabilise gender asymmetries in street-level interactions? The case of Germany after ‘Hartz IV’. In: Social Work & Society 13 (1), pp. 20-37

Bosch, Gerhard / Jaehrling, Karen / Weinkopf, Claudia, 2015: Gesetzlicher Mindestlohn in der Praxis – Bedingungen für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung. Bonn: FES. Wiso direkt Juni 2015, ISBN: 978-3-95861-176-4 | Lesen

Bosch, Gerhard / Jaehrling, Karen / Weinkopf, Claudia, 2015: O salário mínimo legal na prática na Alemanha : condições para uma implementação bem-sucedida. São Paulo: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Brasil. Notas 1, ISBN: 978-85-99138-60-1 | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen, 2015: Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe – eine neue Arena der industriellen Beziehungen? Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und erste empirische Befunde. In: Industrielle Beziehungen 22 (3-4), S. 325-344

Bosch, Gerhard / Jaehrling, Karen / Weinkopf, Claudia, 2015: Statutory minimum wage in practice: conditions for successful implementation. Bonn: FES. Wiso direkt 37/2015, ISBN: 978-3-95861-353-9 | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen / Finnestrand, Hanne O. / Kirov, Vassil / Torvatn, Hans, 2015: The (in)visible third party: De- and re-regulation of working conditions through public procurement. In: Ursula Holtgrewe, Vassil Kirov und Monique Ramioul (ed.): Hard work in new jobs: the quality of work and life in European growth sectors, pp. 130–148

Jaehrling, Karen, 2015: The state as a ‘socially responsible customer’? Public procurement between market-making and market-embedding. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 21 (2), pp. 149-164

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