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Dr. Karen Jaehrling


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Jaehrling, Karen / Kalina, Thorsten , 2020: 'Grey zones' within dependent employment: formal and informal forms of on-call work in Germany. In: Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 26 (4), pp. 447–463 | DOI-Link

Jaehrling, Karen, 2020: Gute Arbeit oder Formalisierung ‚light‘? ‚Grauzonen‘ der Beschäftigung und neue Intermediäre im Arbeitsmarkt Privathaushalt. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Report 2020-12| Info | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen / Weinkopf, Claudia , 2020: Job quality and industrial relations in the personal and household services sector – the case of Germany (Report for the EU-financed project PHS-Quality – EC GRANT AGREEMENT Vp/2017/004/0049). Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation | Lesen

Refslund, Bjarke / Jaehrling, Karen / Johnson, Mathew / Koukiadaki, Aristea / Larsen, Trine Pernille / Stiehm, Christin, 2020: Moving in and out of the Shadow of European Case Law – The dynamics of public procurement in the post‐post‐Rüffert era. In: JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies 58 (5), pp. 1165–1181 | DOI-Link

Gautié, Jérôme / Jaehrling, Karen / Perez, Coralie, 2020: Neo-Taylorism in the Digital Age: Workplace Transformations in French and German Retail Warehouses. In: Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 75 (4), pp. 774–795

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