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Dr. Sophie Rosenbohm


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Rosenbohm, Sophie / Hoose, Fabian, 2022: Ambivalences of platform work: The gig economy in Germany. In: Immanuel Ness (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy , S. 324–336 | DOI-Link

Haipeter, Thomas / Hertwig, Markus / Rosenbohm, Sophie, 2022: Articulation of Interests. A Network Perspective on Employee Representation in Multinational Companies. In: Bernd Brandl, Bengt Larsson, Alex Lehr, Oscar Molina (ed.): Employment Relations as Networks Methods and Theory, pp. 136–155 | DOI-Link

Rosenbohm, Sophie / Haipeter, Thomas, 2022: Board-level employee representation in Germany: effect and assessment. Manuscript published in Korean Language. In: International Labor Brief 20 (5), pp. 20–29 | Lesen

Rosenbohm, Sophie / Kuebart, Jennifer, 2022: Can access to company boards improve transnational employee representation? Insights from employee representation in European Companies. In: Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 28 (4), pp. 423–440 | DOI-Link

Haipeter, Thomas / Rosenbohm, Sophie, 2022: Decentralised Bargaining in Germany. Country Report. CODEBAR project | Lesen

Hoose, Fabian / Rosenbohm, Sophie, 2022: Tension between autonomy and dependency: insights into platform work of professional (video)bloggers. In: Work in the Global Economy 2 (1), pp. 88–108| Info

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