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Dr. Karen Jaehrling


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Jaehrling, Karen, 2023: Book Review: Against Marketization: How Capitalist Exchange Disciplines Workers and Subverts Democracy. By Ian Greer and Charles Umney (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022). In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 61 (3), pp. 762–764 | Info

Jaehrling, Karen, 2023: Buying Decent Work. Public Procurement Strategies for the Improvement of Working Conditions in the European Service Sector. Promoting Decent Work Through Public Procurement in Cleaning & Private Security Services (PROCURFAIR Comparative Report). Report for the European Commission. Brussels: UNI Europa| Info | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen / Lluis, Conrad, 2023: Das Labor einer anderen Arbeit. Pflege und Landwirtschaft unter der pandemischen Brechung – zwischen neoliberaler Strukturierung und experimenteller Regulierung . In: Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 16 (2), S. 27-42| Info | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen / Lluis, Conrad / van Gerven, Minna / Salm, Aino, 2023: DEFEN-CE: Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in Post-COVID-19 Labour Markets. Report on Germany and the Netherlands. Funded by the Directorate-General for Employment, the European Commission. Duisburg [u.a.] | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen / Böhringer, Daniela, 2023: Promoting Decent Work Through Public Procurement in Cleaning and Private Security Services – The Case of Germany (PROCURFAIR country report). Report for the European Commission. Brussels: UNI Europa| Info | Lesen

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