Welcoming Exchange Students


The IN-EAST Welcome Office

offers a range of services to our exchange students
from China, Japan and Korea:

  • We have put together all relevant information in preparation of your stay in your own language. Please click on the flag of your country below.
  • We prepared guidelines in each language on how to make an online reservation for a room in one of the dormitories.
  • We put together your personal learning agreement so that you know where and when your courses will take place.
  • Before you arrive in Germany, we assign a German student to you as your ‘buddy’. He or she will help you find the way to your dormitory and do the necessary paperwork, register with local authorities, enrol at the University and get your student ID, open a bank account, get internet access etc.
  • We also bring together overseas and German students for language learning (“tandem partnerships”) and exchange on all aspects of studying abroad.
  • We work closely with people at your university’s International Office in order to ensure that your stay in Germany is not only instructive but problem-free.
If you have any problems or need assistance:

We are here for you!

Contact us at any time via email: iwo@uni-due.de

Ostasien Partnerunis Uni

University with Exchange Students

Information for Exchange Students

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan


Wuhan University


Dokkyo University, Soka (Saitama Pref.)


Doshisha University, Tokyo


Fukuoka University


Hokkaido University, Sapporo


Kanagawa University, Yokohama


Kobe City University of Foreign Studies


Nagoya University


Ryukoku University, Kyoto


Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka


Sophia University, Tokyo


Yamagata University


Kyushu University, Fukuoka

no exchange students at the moment

Dankook University, Seoul

한국 교환학생을 위한 정보

Duksung Women’s University, Seoul

한국 교환학생을 위한 정보

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Seoul

한국 교환학생을 위한 정보

Jeonbuk National University (JBNU), Jeonju

한국 교환학생을 위한 정보

Kangwon National University, Chuncheon/Samcheok

한국 교환학생을 위한 정보

Korea National University of Education, Cheongju

한국 교환학생을 위한 정보

National Chengchi University, Taipei


Tzu Chi University, Hualien


A Great Study Environment in a Pleasent City to Live in

The largest inland port in Germany makes Duisburg the logistical center of the country. Beyond that the city offers great and diverse opportunities to enjoy industrial culture and serene nature …

  • I like the fact that Duisburg is off the beaten-track of where foreigners usually go in Germany. (…) One of my favourite places in Duisburg is the ‘Garden of Memories’ (Garten der Erinnerungen) at the Innenhafen. (Connor Malloy, PhD student)
  • The surprise for someone from China is how green the city is. The longer I stay here, the more amazed I become of the natural beauty of the city parks, forests and surrounding environment. (Yuan Li, Acting Professor)

We’d like to show you around!
Enjoy these student-made video clips …

The Campus

in this clip: Campus impressions (Eindrücke vom Campus) | Cafeteria (Mensa) | Library (Bibliothek)

The City & Surroundings

in this clip: Shopping (Einkaufen) | Central station (Hauptbahnhof) | Inner harbor (Innenhafen) | City hall (Rathaus) | Nature (“Sechs-Seen-Platte”) | Zoo | Industrial culture (“Landschaftspark Nord”)

Program for IN-EAST Exchange Students

The lectures and seminars included in this program are open to exchance students visiting Duisburg campus as guests of the Institute of East Asian Studies, the Mercator School of Management, or the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Program for IN-EAST Exchange Students
(Summer term 2024)

Logo Ineast

IN-EAST Calendar


März 2025



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