INEF/sef: Development and Peace Blog

09.01.2024 Jannie Lilja Fear of the future? The missing peace

Armed conflict causalities are soaring, forced displacement is at an all-time high, geopolitical tensions are rising, and societal polarization is strengthening also across peaceful societies. All happening at the backdrop of the escalating effects of climate change and environmental degradation that form the physical preconditions for our human existence. In the light of these challenges, Jannie Lilja calls for a more proactive approach to peace.

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16.11.2023Christof Hartmann The limits of regional democracy engineering: ECOWAS and the Niger coup

In July 2023, the military coup in the West African country of Niger made international headlines. In response to the coup, the regional organisation ECOWAS, to which all 15 West African states belong, not only decided to impose economic sanctions but also threatened to intervene militarily if the coup leaders did not immediately restore constitutional order. But why were regional players in Niger unable to effectively defend Niger’s democracy and the country’s constitutional order by peaceful means? Christof Hartmann explores the limits of regional democracy engineering.

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16.11.2023Christof Hartmann Die Grenzen des "regional democracy engineering": ECOWAS und der Niger-Putsch

Ende Juli 2023 sorgte der Militärputsch im westafrikanischen Niger international für Schlagzeilen. Als Reaktion auf den Staatsstreich beschloss die Regionalorganisation ECOWAS, der alle 15 westafrikanischen Staaten angehören, nicht nur Wirtschaftssanktionen, sondern drohte auch mit militärischer Intervention, sollten die Putschisten die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung nicht unmittelbar wiederherstellen. Warum aber konnten im Niger Demokratie und Verfassungsordnung von den regionalen Akteuren nicht mit friedlichen Mitteln effektiv verteidigt werden? Christof Hartmann lotet im Fokus auf diese Frage die Grenzen des "regional democracy engineering" aus.

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The Development and Peace blog is operated by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) and the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:). On this blog, international authors regularly share their perspectives on development and peace issues worldwide.