INEF/sef: Development and Peace Blog
Roman Herre Inklusiver Multilateralismus anstatt Multistakeholderismus - Lösung der Ernährungskrise nur mit Betroffenen möglich
Bei den diesjährigen Potsdamer Frühjahrsgesprächen wurde auch über die zentrale Frage der globalen Governance – also globalen Politikgestaltung – für Ernährungssicherheit diskutiert. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation FIAN hat sich dabei für einen rechtsbasierten Ansatz stark gemacht. Aber was bedeutet das konkret? Roman Herre, Agrarreferent bei FIAN, erläutert den Ansatz und dessen Bedeutung.
Markus Bayer, Fiona Wilshusen Upcoming elections in Sierra Leone – a relapse to violence?
Elections are often the trigger for widespread violence, especially in new or less consolidated democracies. This also holds true for Sierra Leone where upcoming elections carry significant escalatory risks due to political polarisation and the presence of a large number of violent actors affiliated with the established political parties.
Daniel D. Odongo Sowing the seeds of global food security with lessons from across Africa
Despite facing challenges such as droughts, conflicts, economic downturns, and health crises over time, Africa has consistently pioneered innovative and resourceful strategies to ensure its own food security and can share invaluable lessons with the rest of the world. From innovative farming techniques to technological advancements and community-driven initiatives, Africa's journey towards self-sufficiency and sustainability might inspire the world.
The Development and Peace blog is operated by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) and the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:). On this blog, international authors regularly share their perspectives on development and peace issues worldwide.