Dr. Jan Karem Höhne
Dr. Jan Karem Höhne
Working Group of Empirical Political Science
Jan Karem Höhne is postdoc researcher in the ERC-funded POLITSOLID project at the Department of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and research fellow at the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain). He was postdoc researcher at the Collaborative Research Center 884 “Political Economy of Reforms” at the University of Mannheim, research fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan (USA), and Fulbright fellow at the Department of Communication at Stanford University (USA). His research combines political psychology and sociology with computational social science.
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Fak. f. Ges. Wi./Inst. f. Pol. Wiss./Lehrstuhl für Empirische Politikwissenschaft
47057 Duisburg
Wiss. Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeiter, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Current lectures
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Past lectures (max. 10)
2023 SS
2022 WS
2022 SS
2021 WS
Correction to : Innovating the Collection of Open-Ended Answers: The Linguistic and Content Characteristics of Written and Oral Answers to Political Attitude QuestionsIn: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society / Series A (Statistics in Society) Vol. 187 (2024) Nr. 2, pp. 561 - 562Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Investigating respondents’ willingness to participate in video-based web surveysIn: International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) Vol. 66 (2024) Nr. 1, pp. 3 - 13Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ Online Full Text (Open Access)
Question order effects : How robust are survey measures on political solidarities with reference to Germany and Europe?In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 27 (2024) Nr. 2, pp. 249 - 254Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Are respondents ready for audio and voice communication channels in online surveys?In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 26 (2023) Nr. 3, pp. 335 - 342Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Differences in measurement quality depending on recall : Results for a question about trust in the parliamentIn: Quality and Quantity Vol. 57 (2023) Nr. 3, pp. 2125 - 2146Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Evaluating the response effort and data quality of established political solidarity measures : a pre-registered experimental test in an online survey of the German adult resident population in 2021In: Quality and Quantity Vol. 57 (2023) Nr. 6, pp. 5431 - 5447Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Is there a growing use of mobile devices in web surveys? : Evidence from 128 web surveys in GermanyIn: Quality and Quantity Vol. 57 (2023) Nr. 6, pp. 5333 - 5353Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Memory Effects : A Comparison Across Question TypesIn: Survey Research Methods (SRM) Vol. 17 (2023) Nr. 1, pp. 37 - 50Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
A new experiment on the use of images to answer web survey questionsIn: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society / Series A (Statistics in Society) Vol. 185 (2022) Nr. 3, pp. 955 - 980Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Innovating the collection of open-ended answers : The linguistic and content characteristics of written and oral answers to political attitude questionsIn: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society / Series A (Statistics in Society) Vol. 185 (2022) Nr. 3, pp. 872 - 890Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Measuring Income (In)equality : Comparing Survey Questions With Unipolar and Bipolar Scales in a Probability-Based Online PanelIn: Social Science Computer Review Vol. 40 (2022) Nr. 1, pp. 108 - 123Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Measuring subjective social stratification : How does the graphical layout of rating scales affect response distributions, response effort, and criterion validity in web surveys?In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 25 (2022) Nr. 2, pp. 269 - 275Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
New insights on respondents’ recall ability and memory effects when repeatedly measuring political efficacyIn: Quality and Quantity Vol. 56 (2022) Nr. 4, pp. 2549 - 2566Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Who Is Willing to Use Audio and Voice Inputs in Smartphone Surveys, and Why?In: International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) Vol. 64 (2022) Nr. 5, pp. 594 - 610Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Completion Conditions and Response Behavior in Smartphone Surveys : A Prediction Approach Using Acceleration DataIn: Social Science Computer Review Vol. 39 (2021) Nr. 6, pp. 1253 - 1271Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Exploring Scale Direction Effects and Response Behavior Across Pc and Smartphone SurveysIn: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology Vol. 9 (2021) Nr. 3, pp. 477 - 495Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Measurement properties of completely and end labeled unipolar and bipolar scales in Likert-type questions on income (in)equalityIn: Social Science Research Vol. 97 (2021) 102544Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Mismatching middle options : Consequences for attitude measurement in smartphone surveysIn: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 24 (2021) Nr. 3, pp. 381 - 386Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Re-Examining the Middle Means Typical and the Left and Top Means First Heuristics Using Eye-Tracking MethodologyIn: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology Vol. 9 (2021) Nr. 1, pp. 25 - 50Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Repeatedly Measuring Political Interest : Can we Reduce Respondent’ Recall Ability and Memory Effects in Surveys Using Memory Interference Tasks?In: International Journal of Public Opinion Research Vol. 33 (2021) Nr. 3, pp. 678 - 689Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Squats in Surveys : Investigating the Feasibility of, Compliance With, and Respondents' Performance on Fitness Tasks in Self-Administered Smartphone Surveys Using Acceleration DataIn: Frontiers in Public Health Vol. 9 (2021) 627509Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Augmenting Surveys With Data From Sensors and Apps : Opportunities and ChallengesIn: Social Science Computer Review (2020) in pressOnline Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Comparing the participation of millennials and older age cohorts in the cross-national online survey panel and the german internet panelIn: Survey Research Methods (SRM) Vol. 14 (2020) Nr. 5, pp. 499 - 513Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Evaluating political parties : Criterion validity of open questions with requests for text and voice answersIn: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 25 (2020) Nr. 1, pp. 135 - 141Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
How long do respondents think online surveys should be? : New evidence from two online panels in GermanyIn: International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) Vol. 62 (2020) Nr. 5, pp. 538 - 545Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Investigating the impact of violations of the “left and top means first” heuristic on response behavior and data qualityIn: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 23 (2020) Nr. 3, pp. 347 - 353Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Looking up Answers to Political Knowledge Questions in Web SurveysIn: Public Opinion Quarterly Vol. 84 (2020) Nr. 4, pp. 986 - 999Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Motion instructions in surveys : Compliance, acceleration, and response qualityIn: International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) Vol. 62 (2020) Nr. 1, pp. 43 - 57Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Switching away : Exploring on-device media multitasking in web surveysIn: Computers in Human Behavior Vol. 111 (2020) pp. 106417Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Eye-tracking methodology : Exploring the processing of question formats in web surveysIn: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 22 (2019) Nr. 2, pp. 199 - 206Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
SurveyMotion : What can we learn from sensor data about respondents’ completion and response behavior in mobile web surveys?In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 22 (2019) Nr. 4, pp. 379 - 391Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Comparing the Performance of Agree/Disagree and Item-Specific Questions Across PCs and SmartphonesIn: Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Vol. 14 (2018) Nr. 3, pp. 109 - 118Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Investigating the Adequacy of Response Time Outlier Definitions in Computer-Based Web Surveys Using Paradata SurveyFocusIn: Social Science Computer Review Vol. 36 (2018) Nr. 3, pp. 369 - 378Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
New insights on the cognitive processing of agree/disagree and item-specific questionsIn: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology Vol. 6 (2018) Nr. 3, pp. 401 - 417Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Scale direction effects in agree/disagree and item-specific questions : A comparison of question formatsIn: International Journal of Social Research Methodology Vol. 21 (2018) Nr. 1, pp. 91 - 103Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Investigating Cognitive Effort and Response Quality of Question Formats in Web Surveys Using ParadataIn: Field Methods Vol. 29 (2017) Nr. 4, pp. 365 - 382Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Question Order Experiments in the German-European ContextIn: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (2016)Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Investigating response order effects in web surveys using eye trackingIn: Psihologija Vol. 48 (2015) Nr. 4, pp. 361 - 377Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/ (Open Access)
Experience SamplingIn: SAGE Research Methods Foundations / Atkinson, Paul; Delamont, Sara; Cernat, Alexandru; Sakshaug, Joseph W.; Williams, Richard A. (Eds.) 2021
Antwortskalenrichtung und UmfragemodusIn: Grundlagen - Methoden - Anwendungen in den Sozialwissenschaften: Festschrift für Steffen-M. Kühnel / Mays, Anja; Dingelstedt, André; Hambauer, Verena; Schlosser, Stephan; Berens, Florian; Leibold, Jürgen; Höhne, Jan Karem (Eds.) 2020, pp. 231 - 246Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Einflüsse unterschiedlicher Formen der Verbalisierung von Antwortskalen auf das Antwortverhalten von BefragungspersonenIn: Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente / Menold, Natalja; Wolbring, Tobias (Eds.) 2019, pp. 65 - 102Online Full Text: dx.doi.org/
Question Format, Response Effort, and Response Quality : A Methodological Comparison of Agree/Disagree and Item-Specific QuestionsGöttingen (2018) 167 SeitenOnline Volltext (Open Access)
Grundlagen - Methoden - Anwendungen in den Sozialwissenschaften : Festschrift für Steffen-M. KühnelWiesbaden (2020) 622 SeitenOnline Full Text: dx.doi.org/