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Happy HolidaysChristmas greetings

Our best wishes for the holidays and for a happy and healthy new year 2021!

New CRC/TRR 247 memberR. Kramer Campen joined CRC/TRR 247

Prof. R. Kramer Campen joined the CRC/TRR 247 as associated member. Welcome!

More information about his working group is available here.

© T. Quast, RUB

Publication alertCatalytic Activity of Individual Particles

Analyzing tiny nanoparticles separately is a challenge. The working groups of A2 and C3 developed a new technique using electron microscopy and a robotic arm that could make the process much easier. The journal "Angewandte Chemie" covers the method in its latest issue.

Original publication
Quast, T., Aiyappa, H.B., Saddeler, S., Wilde, P., Chen, Y.T., Schulz, S., Schuhmann, W.: Single entity electrocatalysis of individual ‘picked‐and‐dropped’ Co3O4 nanoparticles on the tip of a carbon nanoelectrode, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202014384.

> more about: Press release Ruhr-University Bochum, 15.12.2020
> more about: Press release University of Duisburg-Essen / CENIDE, 15.12.2020

01.-03.12.2020UnOCat Lecture Series "Electrocatalysis"

Our UnOCat Lecture Series on "Electrocatalysis" will take place online.
The lecturers are: 

  • Prof. Wolfgang Schuhmann, Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Prof. Kristina Tschulik, Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Prof. Eckhard Spohr, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Prof. Mehtap Özaslan, TU Braunschweig
  • Prof. Michael Eikerling, FZ Jülich
  • Prof. Jochen Blumberger, University College London
  • Dr. Tim-Patrick Fellinger, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

If you're interested in participating, please send a mail to F. Günther to get the login information.

20.11.2020Frank Neese Belongs to the Highly Cited Researchers of the Year 2020

Prof. Dr. Frank Neese belongs to the highly cited researchers of 2020 and thus most influential scientists this year. Congratulations!

> more about: Press release MPI für Kohlenforschung, 20.11.2020
> more about: Analysis by Clarivate Analytics

Twitter: @ChemElectroChem Corina Andronescu joins Early Career Advisory Board of ChemElectroChem

> more about: Press release University of Duisburg-Essen / CENIDE, 27.11.2020

11.11.2020Twitter: @AndronescuLab

New CRC/TRR 247 memberKai Exner joined CRC/TRR 247

Dr. Kai Exner joined the CRC/TRR 247 as associated member. Welcome!

More information about his working group and twitter is coming soon.


05.11.2020Beatriz Roldán Cuenya received Paul H. Emmett Award

Prof. Dr. Beatiz Roldán Cuenya has been announced as the 2022 winner of the Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis by the North American Catalysis Society.
"Professor Roldan has made exceptional contributions to the mechanistic understanding of thermal and electro-catalytic reactions based on the use of well-defined nanostructured materials combined with advanced in situ and operando microscopic and spectroscopic characterization. Her challenging experimental catalytic [catalysis] research has greatly advanced our fundamental knowledge of how geometric and electronic properties influence the catalytic performance. In particular, she has provided insight into re-utilization of CO2 through its thermal or electrochemical conversions to higher value chemicals and fuels such as methanol, ethylene, or ethanol. A highlight of her research program are studies featuring the dynamic nature of nanocatalysts under reaction conditions using synchrotron-based operando spectroscopy and diffraction methods combined with environmental transmission electron microscopy. She has pioneered the combination of colloidal chemistry approaches and electrochemical synthesis for the preparation of model catalytically active materials, and their chemical functionalization and restructuring using plasma treatments. Overall, her work has served to bridge the gap between surface science and “real” catalysis by creating scalable ex situ synthesis approaches leading to monodispersed nanomaterials and exposing them to in depth physico-chemical characterization under realistic reaction conditions. Her research will help to guide the rational design of the next generation of catalysts based on atomistic understanding."

> more about: Press release FHI, 05.11.2020

Publication alertThorough assessment of activity trends for electrocatalyzed processes: Beyond the thermodynamic overpotential

An important criterion for the suitability of electrocatalysts, based on non-scarce elements, corresponds to their activity for electrocatalyzed processes. Ab-initio theory by the application of density functional theory calculations has been established as a standard tool to comprehend activity trends of potential electrode compositions in a class of materials by simple thermodynamic considerations, applying the so-called thermodynamic overpotential as activity descriptor. In a recent viewpoint in ACS Catalysis, Dr. Kai Exner from the University of Duisburg-Essen has demonstrated that the conventional picture is too simplistic, thereby introducing a universal descriptor Gmax(η) for the assessment of electrocatalytic activity, which takes the applied overpotential into account and mimics the kinetics of the reaction by referring to the free-energy span model.

Original publication
Exner, K. S.: A Universal Descriptor for the Screening of Electrode Materials for Multiple-Electron Processes: Beyond the Thermodynamic Overpotential, ACS Catalysis 2020, 10, 12607–12617. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c03865.

06.-09.10.20204th International Symposium: Gas-phase Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials

On 6th to 9th of October, the 4th International Symposium: Gas-phase Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials on Fundamental Understanding, Modeling and Simulation, Scale-up and Application took place online.

Participants were members of CENIDE, SPP 1980, FOR 2284 and CRC/TRR 247.

More information is available here.

05.10.2020Harun Tüysüz received Forcheurs Jean-Marie Lehn Prize 2020

PD Dr Harun Tüysüz was awarded the German-French Research Prize "Forcheurs Jean-Marie Lehn Prize" 2020 together with his collaborator Prof. Dr. Joseph Moran (University of Strasbourg, France) due to their achievements in the field of CO2 fixation in the context of “Origin of life”. In their joint project, together with Prof. Dr. William Martin, they have demonstrated the role of catalysis under hydrothermal vent and deep earth conditions to connect inorganic reactants with organic products at life's origin. Their joint results were recently published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.

> more about: Press release MPI für Kohlenforschung, 05.10.2020

Jointly promoting catalysis researchResearchers from Germany and Austria met for the first interdisciplinary conference

Catalysis initiates central processes of our entire life on earth - from enzyme catalysis in metabolic processes in all organisms to natural photosynthesis and the production of synthetics and environmentally friendly energy sources. Scientists in four Collaborative Research Centres (CRCs) of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) are currently investigating how these fundamental and at the same time diverse processes of chemical catalysis work exactly and how their principles can be used for sustainable value creation.

In order to set new research impulses and create synergies in the field, the four DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centres have now organised the first joint CataLysis conference. Around 170 researchers from Germany and Austria presented their latest research findings in a joint online conference from September 30th to October 1st, 2020 and initiated new collaborations.

The participants presented their research topics in 16 lectures and 65 poster contributions. The spectrum ranged from homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, thermal catalysis and photocatalysis to (photo-) electrochemistry. The researchers also exchanged the latest findings on the methodological and theoretical characterisation of catalysis processes and on new materials and methods. After the sessions there was the possibility to meet and discuss with the speakers in a virtual room. Other virtual networking areas such as the Coffee Point or the Snack Bar offered additional opportunities to exchange ideas and initiate cooperation.

The speakers of the Collaborative Research Centres closed the conference with a positive summary: "We are thrilled to see the different and interesting developments that have emerged within catalysis research," said Prof. Michael Buchmeiser, spokesperson of CRC 1333. And Prof. Malte Behrens, spokesperson of CRC/TRR 247, added: "In order to be able to create synergies and make catalytic processes usable for important applications in the future, it is necessary to continue to illuminate this complex and multifaceted research area from all sides." Prof. Sven Rau, spokesperson of the CRC/TRR 234, is particularly pleased about the high participation of doctoral students who used this event for discussion and networking, underlining the importance of training for the sustainable catalysis research. In summary, Prof. Christian Jooss, spokesperson of CRC 1073, adds that the common goal is to link the methodologies and approaches even more strongly in the future than in the past and beyond the boundaries of the respective Collaborative Research Centres.

The spectrum of the field of catalysis is reflected in the topics of the Collaborative Research Centres:

  • CRC 1333: "Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis in Confined Geometries"
  • CRC/TRR 247: "Heterogeneous Oxidation Catalysis in the Liquid Phase - Materials and Mechanisms in Thermal, Electro- and Photocatalysis"
  • CRC 1073: "Atom Scale Control of Energy Conversion"
  • CRC/TRR 234: "CataLight - Light-driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically Structured Materials: Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies"

30.09.-01.10.20Joint catalysis conference "CataLysis"

Together with the CRC/TRR 234, the CRC 1333 and the CRC 1073, we organized a joint catalysis conference. Due to Covid-19, the conference took place online.

More information is available here.


25.09.2020Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl elected Vice President of the German National Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl was elected as Vice President of the Academy Leopoldina.

> more about: Press release Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, 25.09.2020

24.09.2020Kai Exner received the Joachim Walter Schultze Award of the AGEF

Kai Exner has been announced as the 2020 winner of the Joachim Walter Schultze Award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft elektrochemischer Forschungsinstitutionen (AGEF). Every two years, the AGEF awards the Joachim Walter Schultze Prize to a young scientist, who has made a significant contribution to the electrochemistry community. Dr. Exner received this honor in appreciation of his contributions to the critical discussion of volcano plots in electrocatalysis and the consideration of overvoltages in this context.

> more about:

14./15.09.2020Annual CRC/TRR 247 meeting

Our annual meeting on 14th/15th of September was an online event due to Covid-19.
All subprojects presented their latest research results in short talks and poster presentations.

31.08.2020Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya elected to the Academia Europaea

For her contributions and dedication to the advancement of scientific research in Europe the Director of the Department of Interface Science was awarded with a membership to the Academy.

> more about: Press release Fritz Haber Institute, 31.08.2020

RUB, Marquard

Publication alertChallenges in the development of electrocatalysts

Efficient catalysts are crucial for energy conversion. However, findings from basic research rarely make it into practice at present. What would have to change in research to develop efficient, stable and selective catalysts for industrial application is described by Dr. Justus Masa of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Professor Corina Andronescu of the University of Duisburg-Essen and Professor Wolfgang Schuhmann of Ruhr-Universität Bochum in a review article.

Original publication
Masa, J., Andronescu, C., Schuhmann, W.: Electrocatalysis as the Nexus for Sustainable Renewable Energy: The Gordian Knot of Activity, Stability, and Selectivity, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59 (36), 15298-15312. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202007672.

> more about: Press release Ruhr-University Bochum, 20.08.2020

Publication alertA bit of silver boosts the production rate of green hydrogen

A team of scientists at the Mülheim Chemistry Campus (MPI für Kohlenforschung + MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion) presents the possibility of electrocatalysts based on active cobalt oxide with silver coupling, thus paving the way for more effective production of green hydrogen - the sustainable "oil" of tomorrow.

Original publication
Yu, M., Moon, G., Castillo, R., Weidenthaler, C., DeBeer, S., Tüysüz, H.: Dual Role of Silver Moieties Coupled with Ordered Mesoporous Cobalt Oxide towards Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202003801.

> more about: Press release MPI für Kohlenforschung, 17.06.2020
> more about: Press release MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, 16.06.2020

26.-28.05.2020, 23.06.2020UnOCat Lecture Series "Thermal Catalysis"

Our UnOCat Lecture Series on "Thermal Catalysis" will take place online.
The lecturers are: 

  • Prof. Malte Behrens, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Prof. Martin Muhler, Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Prof. Wolfgang Kleist, Ruhr-University Bochum
  • PD Dr. Harun Tüysüz, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
  • Dr. Annette Trunschke, FHI Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Simone Mascotto, University of Hamburg

If you're interested in participating, please send a mail to F. Günther to get the login information.

© UDE/B.Engel-Albustin

26.05.2020Stéphane Kenmoe received UDE Diversity Award for Leadership

Dr. Stéphane Kenmoe, postdoc in subproject A6, has become known in Cameroon for his outstanding scientific communication. He has built up a large and active network, regularly organizes workshops for students in his home country and participates in the organization of events for young African scientists. Among other things, he is a member of the Board of the African Physical Society, where he is responsible for communication.
He also co-organizes the first conference for young African scientists in North America ("YASNA - Young African Scientists in North America"), which was to take place in Montreal in May 2020.

> more about: University of Duisburg-Essen, Diversity Day 2020

18.03.2020Harun Tüysüz received DECHEMA Prize 2019

PD Dr. Harun Tüysüz who is leading the group of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Energy at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung was awarded with the DECHEMA Prize 2019 for his outstanding research on the development of catalysts that can be used both for chemical syntheses and energy conversion. The Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie (DECHEMA) awards the prize, which is endowed with 20,000 euros, annually to excellent researchers who are engaged in technical chemistry, process engineering, biotechnology or reactor engineering.

> more about: Interview DECHEMA, 27.07.2020
> more about: Press release DECHEMA, 18.03.2020

> more about: Press release MPI Kofo, 18.03.2020

06.03.2020Short talk award for Anna Rabe

Anna Rabe, doctoral student in the C1 subproject of CRC/TRR 247, received the CENIDE Short Talk Award for an excellent short talk with the title "Synthesis of Cobalt Iron Oxide Catalysts via Co-precipitation of Crystalline Precursors" at the 2nd CENIDE conference in Bergisch Gladbach in 2020.

> more about CENIDE conference: Press release CENIDE, 06.03.2020

© RUB, Kramer

Publication alertCatalyst deposition on fragile chips

Researchers at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) and the University of Duisburg-Essen have developed a new method of depositing catalyst particles to tiny electrodes. It is inexpensive, simple and quick to perform. In order to characterize catalysts and test their potential for various applications, researchers have to fix the particles to electrodes so that they can then be examined, for example, with transmission electron microscopy.

Original publication
Tarnev, T., Cychy, S., Andronescu, C., Muhler, M., Schuhmann, W., Chen, Y.T.: A universal nano-capillary based method of catalyst immobilization for liquid cell transmission electron microscopy, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201916419

> more about: Press release Ruhr-University Bochum, 14.02.2020

© Michael Schwettmann

07.02.2020Tong Li appointed as professor at the Ruhr-University Bochum

To develop high-performance catalysts, not only good production processes are needed, but also good methods to characterize the potential catalysts. The latter is the main research interest of Tong Li, who already worked on this topic as a junior professor at the RUB. Since February 7, 2020, she has been a professor for the characterization of high-performance materials on the atomic scale.

Tong Li is an expert in atomic probe tomography. With this method in combination with transmission electron microscopy, she can make the structure of materials visible atom by atom.

> more about: Press release Ruhr-University Bochum, 13.02.2020

21.01.2020Prof. Christof Schulz appointed to DFG Senate Committee

Starting in July 2020, Prof. Christof Schulz will accompany and review the Collaborative Research Centres in the DFG Senate Committee. He was appointed to the committee for three years by the Senate of the DFG.

> more about: Press release University of Duisburg-Essen, 21.01.2020