Jennifer Liersch
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29.08.2023EARLI conference in Greece
Jennifer Liersch presented the results of her dissertation study in the symposium "Physical activity and executive functions: from kindergarten to secondary school" at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction conference in Thessaloniki. The symposium brought together research from Finland, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany.

28.03.2023Final and kick-off event of the GKQL
The Gkql 2019 ended and the Gkql 2022 started with a joint event. Jennifer Liersch gave a final presentation on the project "Movement-based learning support in subject teaching" and Gerrit Effenberg presented the new project "Mastering the transition together" in the form of a poster.

21.11.2023Presentation: Movement-based learning support in the classroom
At the international ACTivate Congress in Bergen (NOR) in November 2022, Jennifer Liersch presented her PhD study on movementgames in the mathematics classroom of seventh graders and their effects on executive functions. In a short talk she presented quantitative and first qualitative results of the completed intervention study.

7.11.2022Dr. Amika Singh as guest at ISBW
Members of the Learning and Movement Network met with Dr. Amika Singh, movement scientist at the Mulier Institute in Utrecht, for a further exchange on issues of promoting learning through movement. The focus of the discussion at the ISBW was on current projects of the network and those in preparation, as well as future cooperation possibilities with Dr. Singh.

30.08.2022Presentation in Frankfurt a.M.
Jennifer Liersch presented her dissertation study on the effects of movement games on the executive functions of seventh graders at the conference of the Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM) in Frankfurt. In a short lecture she gave insights into the basic theory and first results of the intervention study completed in summer.

25.06.2022Conference of the Section of Sports Education of the German Association for Sports Science in Münster
Jennifer Liersch gave a lecture as part of a working group and presented her dissertation project. She gave insights into her currently ongoing empirical study on the effects of movement games on the executive functions of seventh graders.

26.04.2022Presentation at the International Conference on Moving Learning