In an emergency, every second counts. To make sure that help can be provided as quickly as possible and to help you find the most important contacts in case of an emergency, emergency information is available at the University. Unit-specific information is entered into the emergency information sheet for each area of responsibility and then posted up. In addition, emergency stickers are available, which can be used for brief information in hallways. The most important contacts can be entered there.

Emergency stickers can be ordered through the Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Protection if required.


In the footer of every UDE web page, you can find comprehensive information under the Emergency handling/Hilfe im Notfall link.

Grafik - Hinweis Notfall

Emergency information

Further information

Conduct in active violence situations

Conduct in case of a fire


Information and personal consultation

Essen Campus Fire Safety Officer

Thomas Müller (formerly Purschke)

Duisburg Campus Fire Safety Officer

Information & contacts Administrator