Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie
Professur für Interkulturelle Psychologie - Migration und Integration
Campus Essen
Gebäude S06 S03
45141 Essen
Civitillo, S., Glock, S., Naudszus, L. A., Venhoff, L., Lieck, D., & Jugert, P. (under review). Investigating pre-service teachers' competence to notice ethnic microaggressions in the classroom. (Preprint).
Czepluch, F., Jugert, P., Fritsche, I., & Franke, B. (under review). The availability of agentic ingroups elevates group-based control perceptions following threat.
Kaiser, M. J., Moffitt, U., Hagelskamp, C., & Jugert, P. (under review). Maintaining whiteness in a superdiverse context: white German parents' racial-ethnic socialization. (Preprint).
Civitillo, S., Mayer, A.-M., & Jugert, P. (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the associations between perceived teacher-based racial-ethnic discrimination and student well-being and academic outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 116(5), 719-741. (Open Access | Paywall).
Civitillo, S., & Jugert, P. (2024). Zooming in on everyday ethnic-racial discrimination: A review of experience sampling methodology studies in adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21(4), 592-611. (Open Access | Paywall).
Civitillo, S., Jugert, P., Yip, T., Lui, P. P., & Titzmann, P. (2024). A daily diary study on associations between school-based ethnic discrimination and school engagement. Social Psychology of Education, 27, 3047-3072. (Open Access).
Czepluch, F., Jugert, P., & Fritsche, I. (in press). Norm vigilance in reaction to control threat: A file drawer report. Meta-Psychology. (Open Access).
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., McElvany, N., Leyendecker, B., & Jugert, P. (2024). Resilience in multicultural classrooms: school relationships can protect the school adjustment of immigrant, refugee and non-immigrant children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(4), 1271-1293. (Open Access).
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., & Jugert, P. (2024). Culturally responsive teaching, teacher-student relationship and school belongingness: a multi-informant study in ethnically diverse classrooms. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 47 (Open Access).
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., Schachner, M., & Jugert, P. (2024). Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy and cultural diversity climate are positively associated with the academic and psychological adjustment of immigrant and non-immigrant students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (Open Access | Paywall).
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., & Jugert, P. (forthcoming). Umgang mit kultureller Diversität im Klassenzimmer: Möglichkeiten und Erfahrungen aus der Lehramtsausbildung. In J. R. Sparnfeldt, B. Drechsel, R. M. Puca, H. Saalbach, L. Wirthwein & S. Dutke (Hrsg.). Psychologie in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung - Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Perspektiven. Springer. (Preprint).
Jugert, P., Mayer, A.-M., Eckstein, K., Langer, S., Mönter, L., König, P., Agunyego, W., Bastias, F., & Cohrs, J. C. (2024). Who is we: capturing (European) identity content by integrating qualitative methods in survey-based approaches. Identity. (Open Access).
Jugert, P., Moffitt, U., & Cheon, Y. M. (in press). Studying identity and migration in the open science era: lessons learned from Registered Reports. Identity. (Preprint).
Jugert, P., & Eckstein, K. (2024). Gemeinsinn - Betrachtungen aus interkulturell- und entwicklungs-psychologischer Perspektive. In A. Gampe & S. Söylemez (Hrsg.). Weltoffenheit, Toleranz und Gemeinsinn? Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Gegenwartgesellschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag (S. 131-150). (Open Access).
Jugert, P., Colak, F. Z. , & Civitillo, S. (in press). Ethnic-racial discrimination among young adults in higher education: How context shapes experiences, consequences, and coping. To appear in T. Yip (Eds.). The Cambridge handbook of ethnic/racial discrimination and youth development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Open Access).
Jugert, P., & Civitillo, S. (2024). Rassismus in der Schule - Wenn Lehrkräfte Teil des Problems sind. Praxis Schulpsychologie, 38, 6-7. (Open Access).
Jugert, P., & Leszczensky, L. (2024). Friendships. In W. Troop-Gordon & E. Neblett (Eds.). Encyclopedia of adolescence (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier (pp. 142-155). (Open Access | Paywall).
Mayer, A.-M., Körner, A., & Jugert, P. (2024). What does it mean to be European? How identity content shapes adolescents' views towards immigrants and support for the EU. Political Psychology. (Open Access).
Mayer, A.-M., Crocetti, E., Eckstein, K., Noack, P., & Jugert, P. (2024). Becoming European: mid- and short-term development of a European identity. Identity (Open Access ).
Spiegler, O., Zingora, T., & Jugert, P. (2024). Classroom ethnic diversity, teacher support and peer victimization: Evidence from four European countries. Infant and Child Development, 33(2),e2413 (Open Access).
Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P. (2024). The dynamics of acculturative change: the potential of a developmental perspective in acculturation science. advances.in/psychology (Open Access).
Jugert, P., & Asbrock, F. (2023). Persönlichkeit und Sozialisation. In C. Cohrs, N. Knab, & G. Sommer (Hrsg.). Handbuch der Friedenspsychologie. Marburg: Forum für Friedenspsychologie (Open Access).
Jugert, P., Civitillo, S., Ialuna, F., Kaiser, M. J., & Mayer, A.-M. (2023). Wie kann Angst vor dem Verlust der eigenen Kultur bei Geflüchteten begegnet werden? Fachnetzwerk Sozialpsychologie zu Flucht und Integration (Open Access).
Kaiser, M. J., Moffitt, U., Hagelskamp, C., & Jugert, P. (2023). 'Tolerance is inherent to our family': White German parents' racial-ethnic socialization in an East German city. Applied Developmental Science (Open Access | Paywall).
Mayer, A.-M., Neubauer, A., & Jugert, P. (2023). What is in the news today? How media-related affect shapes adolescents’ stance towards the EU. Journal of Adolescence, 95, 1553-1563. (Open Access).
Mayer, A.-M., Helmert, C., Körner, A., Dieckmann, J., Eckstein, K., Jugert, P., & Noack, P. (2023). Europa und Schule: Auswirkungen des Lernorts Schule auf die Einstellungen von Jugendlichen gegenüber EU und Europa. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 3, 277-294 (Open Access).
Civitillo, S., Ialuna, F., Lieck, D., & Jugert, P. (2022). Do infrahumanization or affective prejudice drive teacher discrimination against Romani students? A conceptual replication of Bruneau et al. (2020) in Germany. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28, 340-344. (Open Access| Paywall)
Civitillo, S., Ialuna, F., & Jugert, P. (2022). Stereotype und Vorurteile gegenüber Roma-Schüler*innen: Ein Überblick zu den Ursachen, zu Interventionen und bewährten Praktiken. In S. Glock (Hrsg.). Stereotype in der Schule II: Ursachen und Möglichkeiten der Intervention (S. 235-263). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (Open Acess | Paywall)
Civitillo, S., & Jugert, P. (2022). 'Sie kümmern sich nicht und haben es eh verdient' - Mythen über den Zusammenhang von Armut und Bildung. In S. Dutke, M. Limbourg, M. Roth, B. Spinath, & G. Steins (Hrsg.). Mythen, Bugs, Fehlvorstellungen, Fehlkonzepte und Irrtümer rund um den Lehrerberuf (S. 181-196). Heidelberg: Springer (Open Access| Paywall)
Jugert, P., Kaiser, M. J., Ialuna, F., & Civitillo, S. (2022). Researching race-ethnicity in race-mute Europe. Infant and Child Development, 31(1), e2260. (Open Access).
Munniksma, A., Ziemes, J., & Jugert, P. (2022). Ethnic diversity and students' social adjustment in Dutch classrooms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 141-155. (Open Access).
Potoczek, A., Bukowski, M., Jasko, K., Czepluch, F., Fritsche, I., Jugert, P., & Kossowska, M. (2022). Acting collectively against air pollution: when does control threat mobilize environmental action? Registered Report. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 102, 104352 (Open Access| Paywall)
Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P. (2022). Peerbeziehungen: Sozialökologische und entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte. In M. Kreutzmann, L. Zander & B. Hannover (Hrsg.). Aufwachsen mit anderen. Peerbeziehungen als Bindungsfaktor (S. 13-23). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (Open Access).
Vietze, J., Schwarzenthal, M., Moffitt, U., & Civitillo, S. (2022). Beyond ‘Migrant Background’: How to select relevant, social justice oriented, and feasible social categories in quantitative research. European Journal of Psychology of Education (Open Access).
Civitillo, S., Göbel, K., Preusche, Z., Jugert, P. (2021). Disentangling the effects of perceived personal and group ethnic discrimination among secondary school students: the protective role of teacher-student relationship quality and school climate. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2021(177), 77-99. (PDF)
Civitillo, S., Juang, L., & Schachner, M. (2021). Stressing similarities or ignoring differences? Shedding light into different two different forms of color-evasiveness ideology with pre- and in-service teachers. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24, 135-153. (PDF)
Jugert, P., Šerek, J., Eckstein, K., & Noack, P. (2021). National and European identity formation: A longitudinal cross-national comparison study. Identity, 21, 51-66 (PDF).
Jugert, P. (2021). Interethnische Freundschaften - wozu sie gut sind und wie wir sie fördern können. In: A. Beelmann & L. S. Sterba (Hrsg.). Prävention und Bildung im Kindes- und Jugendalter (S. 98-113). Frankfurt a. M.: Wochenschau-Verlag (PDF).
Schachner, M., Schwarzenthal, M., Moffitt, U., Civitillo, S., & Juang, L. (2021). Capturing a nuanced picture of classroom cultural diversity climate: Multigroup and multilevel analyses among secondary school students in Germany. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, 101971. DOI
Civitillo, S., & Juang, L. (2020). How to best prepare teachers for multicultural schools: Challenges and perspectives. In P. F. Titzmann & P. Jugert (Eds.). Youth in superdiverse societies: Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation (S. 285-301). London: Routledge.
Jugert, P., Leszczensky, L, & Pink, S. (2020). Differential influence of same- and cross-ethnic friends on ethnic-racial identity development in early adolescence. Child Development, 91, 949-963. Supplemental Materials at OSF
Jugert, P., Pink, S., Fleischmann, F., & Leszczensky, L. (2020). Changes in Turkish- and resettler-origin adolescents' acculturation profiles of identification: A three-year longitudinal study from Germany. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 2476-2494. (Open Access)
Jugert, P., & Titzmann, P. F. (2020). Developmental tasks and immigrant youth adaptation. In D. Güngör & D. Strohmeier (Eds.). Contextualizing immigrant and refugee resilience: Cultural and acculturation perspectives (pp. 33-50). Heidelberg: Springer. DOI
Lee, R. M., Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P. (2020). Towards a more dynamic perspective on acculturation research. In P. F. Titzmann & P. Jugert (Eds.). Youth in superdiverse societies: Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation (S. 74-91). London: Routledge.
Titzmann, P. F., Jugert, P., & Silbereisen, R. K. (2020). Context matters!? Insights from comparative research on immigrant adolescents' development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. DOI
Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P.(Eds.).(2020). Youth in superdiverse societies: Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation. London: Routledge.
Civitillo, S., Juang, L., Badra, M., & Schachner, M. (2019). The interplay between culturally responsive teaching, cultural diversity beliefs, and self-reflection: A multiple case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, 341-351.
Fritsche, I., & Jugert, P. (2019). Weshalb Ungleichheit zu Stresserleben, aber nicht notwendigerweise zu Vereinzelung führt: Ein Blick in die psychologische Black Box. In: G. Hartung & M. Herrgen (Hrsg.). Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie, Jahrbuch 7/2019, Soziale Ungleichheit (S. 35-43). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Jugert, P., Šerek, J., & Stollberg, J. (2019). Contextual moderators of the link between national and European identity among European youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 22, 436-456.
Leszczensky, L., Jugert, P., & Pink, S. (2019). The interplay of group identifications and friendships: Evidence from longitudinal social network studies. Journal of Social Issues, 75, 460-485.
Brenick, A., Schachner, M. K., & Jugert, P. (2018). Help or hindrance? Minority versus majority cross-ethnic friendships altering discrimination experiences. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 59, 26-35.
Civitillo, S., Juang, L., & Schachner, M. (2018). Challenging beliefs about cultural diversity in education: A synthesis and critical review of trainings with pre-service teachers. Educational Research Review, 24, 67-83.
Fritsche, I., Barth, M., Jugert, P., Masson, T., Reese, G. (2018). A social identity model of pro-environmental action (SIMPEA). Psychological Review, 125, 245-269.
Jugert, P., Leszczensky, L., & Pink, S. (2018). The effects of ethnic minority adolescents' ethnic self-identification on friendship selection. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28, 379-395.
Jugert, P., Eckstein, K., & Noack, P. (2018). Differential effects of school experiences on active citizenship among German and Turkish-origin students. International Journal of Psychology, 53, 433-438.
Šerek, J., & Jugert, P. (2018). Young European citizens: An individual by context perspective on adolescent European citizenship. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 302-323.
Civitillo, S., Schachner, M., Juang, L, Van de Vijver, F., Handrick, A., & Noack, P. (2017). Towards a better understanding of cultural diversity approaches at school: A multi-informant and mixed-methods study. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 12, 1-14.
Fritsche, I., & Jugert, P. (2017). The consequences of economic threat for motivated social cognition and action . Current Opinion in Psychology, 18, 31-36.
Jugert, P., Rutland, A., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Nigbur, D., Watter, C., Hossain, R., Landau, A., & Le Touze, D. (2017). Increasing ethnic diversity moderates longitudinal effects of individual differences on friendship homophily. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 411-423.
Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P. (2017). Transition to a new country: Acculturative and developmental predictors for changes in self-efficacy among adolescent immigrants. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 2143-2156.
Jugert, P., & Titzmann, P. F. (2017). Trajectories of victimization in ethnic diaspora immigrant and native adolescents: Separating acculturation from development. Developmental Psychology, 53, 552-566.
Jugert, P., & Feddes, A. (2017). Childrens' and adolescents' cross-ethnic friendships. In A. Rutland, D. Nesdale, & C. S. Brown (Eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of groups processes in children and adolescents (pp. 373-392). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Fritsche, I., Moya, M., Bukowski, M., Jugert, P., de Lemus, S., Decker, O., Valor-Segura, I., & Navarro-Carrillo, G. (2017). The great recession and group-based control: Converting personal helplessness into social class ingroup trust and collective action. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 117-137.
Civitillo, S., Juang, L, Schachner, M., & Börnert, M. (2016). Validierung einer deutschen Version der “Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Self-Efficacy Scale”. Empirische Sonderpadagögik, 3, 279-288.
Civitillo, S., Juang, L, & Schachner, M. (2016). Kulturelle vorstellungen in der lehrerbildung: Status quo und möglichkeiten der veränderung. ZEIF, 9, 1-8.
Civitillo, S., Denessen, E., & Molenaar, I. (2016). How to see the classroom through the eyes of a teacher: Consistency between perceptions on diversity and differentiation practices. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 16, 587-591.
Civitillo, S., de Moor, J. & Vervloed, M. (2016). Examining pre-service teachers’ beliefs about inclusive education in the Netherlands: An exploratory study. Support for Learning, 31, 104-121.
Stollberg, J., Fritsche, I., Barth, M., & Jugert, P. (2016). Extending control perceptions to the social self: Ingroups serve the restoration of control. In M. Bukowski, I. Fritsche, A. Guinote, & M. Kofta (Eds.). Coping with lack of control in a social world (pp. 133-150). Milton Park: Routledge.
Jugert, P., Greenaway, K. H., Barth, M., Buechner, R., Eisentraut, S., & Fritsche, I. (2016). Collective efficacy increases pro-environmental intentions through increasing self-efficacy. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 12-23. Supplemental Materials at OSF
Masson, T., Jugert, P., & Fritsche, I. (2016). Collective self-fulfilling prophecies: Group identification biases perceptions of environmental group norms among high identifiers. Social Influence, 11, 185-198.
Jugert, P., Eckstein, K., Beelmann, A., & Noack, P. (2016). Parents' influence on the development of their children's ethnic intergroup attitudes: A longitudinal analysis from middle childhood to early adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13, 213-230.
Barth, M., Jugert, P., & Fritsche, I. (2016). Still underdetected: The impact of normative influence and collective efficacy on the adoption of electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 37, 64-77.
Barth, M., Jugert, P., Wutzler, M., & Fritsche, I. (2015). Absolute moral standards and global identity as independent predictors of collective action against global injustice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 918-930.
Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P. (2015). Acculturation in context: The moderating effects of immigrant and native peer orientations on the acculturation experiences of immigrants. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 2079-2094.
Eckstein, K., Jugert, P., Noack, P., Born, M., & Sener, T. (2015). Comparing correlates of civic engagement between immigrant and majority youth in Belgium, Germany, and Turkey. Research in Human Development, 12, 44-62.
Eckstein, K., Noack, P., & Jugert, P. (2015). Pathways to active citizenship in adolescence and young adulthood. Polish Psychological Forum, 20, 165-183.
Noack, P., & Jugert, P. (2015). Participation and civic engagement of young people in Germany: Findings on adolescents and young adults of German and Turkish family background. In M. Barrett & B. Zani (Eds.), Political and civic participation: Multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 232-247). London: Routledge.
Jugert, P., & Noack, P. (2015). L'impact de la participation dans des organisations religieuses: l'example de jeunes migrants d'origine turque en Alemagne. Les Politiques Sociales, 75, 80-88.
Jugert, P., Noack, P., & Rutland, A. (2013). Children's cross-ethnic friendships: Why are they less stable than same-ethnic friendships? European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 649-662.
Jugert, P., Eckstein, K., Kuhn, A., Noack, P., & Benbow, A. (2013). Offline and online civic engagement among adolescents and young adults from three ethnic groups. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 123-135.
Jugert, P., & Noack, P. (2013). Schlüssel zur Integration oder Weg in die Parallelgesellschaft? Die Wirkung von Partizipation in religiösen Organisationen am Beispiel junger türkischstämmiger Migranten in Deutschland. In Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (Hrsg.), Inklusion - Integration - Partizipation: Psychologische Beiträge für eine humanere Gesellschaft (S. 32-39). Berlin: Dt. Psychologen-Verl.
Rutland, A., Cameron, L., Jugert, P., Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Watters, C., Hossain, R., Landau, A., & Le Touze, D. (2012). Group identity and peer relations: A longitudinal study of group identity, perceived peer acceptance and friendships amongst ethnic minority English children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 30, 283-302.
Jugert, P., Noack, P., & Rutland, A. (2011). Friendship preferences among German and Turkish preadolescents. Child Development, 82, 812-829.
Jugert, P., Benbow, A., Noack, P., & Eckstein, K. (2011). Politische Partizipation und soziales Engagement unter jungen Deutschen, Türken und Spätaussiedlern: Befunde aus einer qualitativen Untersuchung mit Fokusgrupen. Politische Psychologie, 1, 36-51.
Jugert, P. (2010). Collective security motivation: Testing a new model of authoritarianism. Saarbrücken: VDM.
Jugert, P., Cohrs, C., & Duckitt, J. (2009). Inter- and intrapersonal processes underlying authoritarianism: The role of social conformity and personal need for structure. European Journal of Personality, 23, 607-621.
Jugert, P. & Duckitt, J. (2009). A motivational model of authoritarianism: Integrating personal and situational determinants. Political Psychology, 30, 693-719.
Jugert, P., & Hiemisch, A. (2005). Terrorismusbedrohung und sozial-kognitive Motive als Prädiktoren von konservativen Einstellungen. Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie, 13, 137-158.