In this workshop, participants will learn which communication strategies can lead to the best possible cooperation within a working group and especially with their supervisor. The workshop also addresses how to deal with conflicts as constructively as possible or to avoid them.
Karriereperspektiven für Postdocs am Wirtschaftsstandort Ruhrgebiet
Sonstiges 05.11.2024, 14:00 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr, Essen, Innovation Hub von accenture, Zeche Zollverein in Essen, Kokereiallee 20, 45141 Essen verbindet – und zwar Postdocs der UA Ruhr mit Wirtschaftsvertreter*innen der Region. Gemeinsam laden die Research Academy Ruhr und der Junge Initiativkreis Ruhr Postdocs zum Austausch über deren Karriereperspektiven in der Wirtschaft ein. Das interaktive Format bietet neben Impulsvorträgen zur Karriereanforderungen und Kompetenzen von Postdocs und einer Paneldiskussion zum Wechsel in die Wirtschaft auch die Möglichkeit zur Vernetzung und zu 1:1-Gesprächen mit den beteiligten Unternehmen.
Career decisions during the postdoctoral phase regarding future career paths and steps are of significant importance and require careful analysis and reflection.
To support future career orientation and the associated decision-making processes, the workshop provides information about various career options as well as suggestions for reflection and group discussion.
Thu, 7 November & Thu, 14 November 2024, 09:00–13:00 h
Registration deadline: 24 October 2024
This workshop aims to support you in shaping your research for your academic career advancement.
Elevate your skills in research development to consolidate your research plans and academic profile for larger grants and professorships. Develop strategies for building research collaborations and becoming a Principal Investigator in initiatives like SFBs and Research Units.
Design comprehensive research perspectives for you and maybe your group and learn how to effectively integrate master's and doctoral students into your research agenda.
Das Wirtschaftskolleg bringt einmal im Jahr Doktorand*innen und promovierte Wissenschaftler*innen in ungezwungener Atmosphäre mit Vertreter*innen aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zusammen, um die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der außeruniversitären Karriere vorzustellen.
The major objective of this workshop is to provide specific knowledge on the topic of research ethics, allowing the participants to reflect their own guiding values and attitudes in their role as researchers.
The major objective of this workshop is to provide specific knowledge on the topic of research ethics, allowing the participants to reflect their own guiding values and attitudes in their role as researchers.
Career decisions during the postdoctoral phase regarding future career paths and steps are of significant importance and require careful analysis and reflection.
To support future career orientation and the associated decision-making processes, the workshop provides information about various career options as well as suggestions for reflection and group discussion.
Thu, 7 November & Thu, 14 November 2024, 09:00–13:00 h
Registration deadline: 24 October 2024
Sonstiges 18.11.2024, 10:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr, WST-B04.05, Berliner Platz 6-8, 45127 Essen
Promovieren macht Spaß - und kann gleichzeitig ganz schön frustrieren. In der Gruppe entstehen oft neue Perspektiven, Erkenntnisse und Handlungsoptionen, die für mehr Klarheit sorgen, die Motivation steigern und die Zielerreichung fördern.
Das moderierte kollegiale Coaching für Promovierende der UDE unterstützt Sie daher auf dem Weg zur Promotion und bei der weiteren Karriereplanung durch Selbstreflexion, Feedback und überfachliche Kompetenzentwicklung.
Supervisorin: Valentina Vasilov, Graduate Center Plus
Die Prorektorin für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und die Tenure Track Academy der UDE laden Sie herzlich zum informellen Austausch und Gespräch ein. Interessante Informationen & wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Juniorprofessur bietet außerdem ein Impulsvortrag von Dr. Lara Altenstädter.
The workshop aims to advance your skills in funding acquisition, essential competencies for success in today's competitive academic landscape.
Gain an overview over major funding opportunities and understand the specifics of collaborative funding programs. Learn about the prerequisites for applying to larger grants and how to effectively incorporate plans for student and doctoral researchers into your funding proposals.
This workshop will equip you with the knowledge to take your research funding to the next level to secure larger grants.
Scientific and research group work-processes are more and more based on project-work, sometimes with widely disparate and diverse members. This needs competences in two areas - project management skills and also the knowledge of how to build a team and to be able to cooperate with a variety of different personalities. In this seminar we teach you how to combine these two abilities.
Peer group coaching for international doctoral researchers at UDE
Sonstiges 25.11.2024, 10:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr, 45127 Essen, WST-B04.05, Berliner Platz 6-8
Doing a doctorate can be fulfilling - and quite lonesome and frustrating at the same time. Working together with a group can bring in new perspectives, insights and options for action as well as clarity and increased motivation for goal achievement.
The moderated peer group coaching for international doctoral researchers at the UDE therefore supports you on the path to your doctorate and in your further career planning through (self-)reflection, feedback and interdisciplinary skills development.
Scientific and research group work-processes are more and more based on project-work, sometimes with widely disparate and diverse members. This needs competences in two areas - project management skills and also the knowledge of how to build a team and to be able to cooperate with a variety of different personalities. In this seminar we teach you how to combine these two abilities.