Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter – Detailseite

Dr. Shweta Mishra


Mishra, Shweta / Klein, Daniel / Müller, Lars, 2023: Does the higher education experience affect political interest, efficacy, and participation? Comparing dropouts to graduates and ‘non-starters’. Published online on 7 Nov. 2023. In: European Journal of Higher Education | DOI-Link

Pineda, Pedro / Mishra, Shweta, 2023: The semantics of diversity in higher education: differences between the Global North and Global South. Published online on 12 May 2022. In: Higher Education 85, pp. 865–886 | DOI-Link

Mishra, Shweta / Müller, Lars, 2022: Resources, norms, and dropout intentions of migrant students in Germany: the role of social networks and social capital. Published online on 30 Jun 2021. In: Studies in Higher Education 47 (8), pp. 1666–1680 | DOI-Link

Klein Daniel / Mishra, Shweta / Müller, Lars, 2021: Die langfristigen individuellen Konsequenzen des Studienabbruchs. In: Martin Neugebauer / Andrä Wolter / Hans-Dieter Daniel (Hrsg.): Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 279–300 | DOI-Link

Mishra, Shweta / Braun, Edith, 2021: The Changing Role of Higher Education: From Social/Societal Aspect to Employability Gains. In: Christina Hughes / Malcolm Tight (ed.): Learning Gain in Higher Education (International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, Vol. 14). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 87–99 | DOI-Link

Krücken, Georg / Mishra, Shweta / Seidenschnur, Tim (Hrsg.), 2021: Theories and methods in higher education research – a space of opportunities. European Journal of Higher Education 11, Special Issue (Suppl.1)

Krücken, Georg / Mishra, Shweta / Seidenschnur, Tim, 2021: Theories and methods in higher education research – a space of opportunities. Introduction to the special issue (Suppl.1). Published online on 25 Nov 2021. In: European Journal of Higher Education 11, pp. 461–467 | DOI-Link

Mishra, Shweta, 2020: Inklusive Hochschulen. Studierende mit Behinderungen und/oder chronischen Erkrankungen an den Hochschulen in Deutschland und den USA. In: Felix Welti (Hrsg.) (Hrsg.): Inklusion in Wissenschaftskultur und Selbstverwaltung der Hochschulen. Kassel: Kassel University Press, S. 57–84 | DOI-Link

Mishra, Shweta, 2020: Social networks, social capital, social support and academic success in higher education: A systematic review with a special focus on ‘underrepresented’ students. Published online on 17 December 2019. In: Educational Research Review 29 | DOI-Link

Mergner, Julia / Mishra, Shweta / Orr, Dominic, 2017: Changing the mindset: How Germany is trying to combine access and equity . In: Graeme Atherton (Hrsg.) (ed.): Access to higher education: Understanding global inequalities. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan , pp. 55–67 | DOI-Link

Braun, Edith / Mishra, Shweta, 2016: Methods for assessing competences in higher education: A comparative review. In: Jeroen Huisman & Malcolm Tight (Hrsg.) (ed.): Theory and method in higher education research, Vol. 2. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 47–68 | DOI-Link

Orr, Dominic / Mishra, Shweta, 2015: A Comprehensive Approach to Investigating the Social Dimension in European Higher Education Systems—EUROSTUDENT and the PL4SD Country Reviews. In A. Curaj, L. Matei, R. Pricopie, J. Salmi, & P. Scott, (Hrsg.). The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies, 467-478. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI: In: A. Curaj, L. Matei, R. Pricopie, J. Salmi, & P. Scott, (Hrsg.) (ed.): The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies. Cham, Switzerland: Springer , pp. 467–478 | DOI-Link

Hall-Lande, Jennifer / Hewitt Amy / Mishra, Shweta / Piescher, Kristine / LaLiberte, Traci, 2015: Involvement of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the child protection system. Published online on 24 June 2014. In: Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities 30 (4), pp. 237–248 | DOI-Link

Hauschildt, Kristina / Gwosc Christoph / Netz, Nicolai / Mishra, Shweta, 2015: Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. Synopsis of Indicators. EUROSTUDENT V, 2012 – 2015 . Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag | Lesen

Kovan, Nikki / Mishra, Shweta / Susman-Stillman, Amy / Piescher, Kristine / LaLiberte, Traci, 2014: Differences in the early care and educational needs of young children involved in child protection. Published online on 14 August 2014. In: Children and youth services review 46, pp. 139–145 | DOI-Link

Mishra, Shweta, 2014: Network analysis in helping professions . In: Reda Alhajj / Jon Rokne (Hrsg.) (ed.): Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining. New York: Springer, pp. 31–63 | DOI-Link

Larson, Anita / Singh, Shweta (Mishra) / Lewis, Crystal, 2011: Sanctions and education outcomes for children in TANF families. Published online on 20 September 2011. In: Child & Youth Services 32 (3), pp. 180–199 | DOI-Link

Gibson, Priscilla A. / Singh, Shweta (Mishra), 2010: Let’s help caregivers and children in informal kinship care: de facto custodian legislation. In: Child Welfare 89 (3), pp. 79–97| Info

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