Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter – Detailseite

Dr. Ines Wagner


Jaehrling, Karen / Wagner, Ines / Weinkopf, Claudia, 2016: Reducing precarious work in Europe through social dialogue: the case of Germany. Produced for the EC project ‘Reducing precarious work in Europe through social dialogue’. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Project VP/2014/004 (Industrial Relations & Social Dialogue). Brussels: European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG

Jaehrling, Karen / Wagner, Ines / Weinkopf, Claudia / Kalina, Thorsten (Mitarb.) / Bosch, Gerhard (Mitarb.), 2016: Reducing precarious work in Europe through social dialogue. The case of Germany. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Forschung 2016-03 | Lesen

Jaehrling, Karen / Weinkopf, Claudia / Wagner, Ines, 2016: Reducing Precarious Work. Protective Gaps and the Role of Social Dialogue in Germany. A European Commission project (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities VP/2014/004), November 2016. Brussels: European Commission | Lesen

Wagner, Ines, 2016: Restricted rights: obstacles in enforcing the labour rights of mobile EU workers in the German and Dutch construction sector. In: Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 22 (2), pp. 193-206

Wagner, Ines / Refslund, Bjarke, 2016: Understanding the diverging trajectories of slaughterhouse work in denmark and Germany: a power resource approach. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 22 (4), pp. 335-351

Wagner, Ines, 2015: Arbeitnehmerentsendung in der EU: Folgen für Arbeitsmarktintegration und soziale Sicherung. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 68 (5), S. 338-344 | Lesen

Wagner, Ines, 2015: EU posted work and transnational action in the German meat industry. In: Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 21 (2), pp. 201-213 | DOI-Link

Çaro, Erka / Berntsen, Lisa / Lille, Nathan / Wagner, Ines, 2015: Posted migration and segregation in the European construction sector. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (10), pp. 1600-1620 | DOI-Link

Lillie, Nathan / Wagner, Ines, 2015: Subcontracting, insecurity and posted workers: evidence from construction, meat processing and shipbuilding. In: Jan Drahokoupil (ed.): The outsourcing challenge: organizing workers across fragmented production networks, pp. 157–177 | Lesen

Wagner, Ines, 2015: The political economy of borders in a 'Borderless' European Labour Market. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (6), pp. 1370–1385 | DOI-Link

Wagner, Ines, 2014: Die Umsetzung des Minimumloon in den Niederlanden. In: Thorsten Schulten (Hrsg.): Umsetzung und Kontrolle von Mindestlöhnen: europäische Erfahrungen und was Deutschland von ihnen lernen kann. [Materialien zu Faire Arbeit – fairer Wettbewerb], S. Arbeitspapiere

Lillie, Nathan / Wagner, Ines / Berntsen, Lisa, 2014: Distacco dei lavoratori, violazione delle norme e cambiamento instituzionale. In: Giornale di Diritto del Lavoro e di Relazioni Industriali 141, pp. 71-90

Wagner, Ines / Lillie, Nathan, 2014: European integration and the disembbeding of labour market regulation: Transnational labour relations at the European Central Bank Construction Site. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (2), pp. 403-419

Lillie, Nathan / Çaro, Erka / Berntsen, Lisa / Wagner, Ines, 2014: Migration and mobility: Employment relations and the gllobal mobile workforce. In: Miguel Martinez-Lucio (ed.): International human resource management: an employment relations perspective, pp. 220–238

Lillie, Nathan / Wagner, Ines / Berntsen, Lisa, 2014: Posted migration, spaces of exception and the politics of labour relations in the European construction industry. In: Marco Hauptmeier (ed.): Comparative political economy of work, pp. 312–331

Wagner, Ines , 2014: Rule enactment in a Pan-European labour market: Transnational posted work in the German construction sector. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 53 (4), pp. 692–710 | DOI-Link

Wagner, Ines, 2013: "EU labour migration in troubled times” by Galgoczi, B. / Leschke, J. / Watt, A. (eds.). Book Review. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (5), pp. 987

Wagner, Ines / Lillie, Nathan, 2013: Institutionalismus und räumliche Desintegration in der vergleichenden Kapitalismusforschung: Arbeitsbeziehungen auf der Baustelle der Europäischen Zentralbank. In: Ian Bruff, Matthias Ebenau, Christian May und Andreas Nölke (Hrsg.): Vergleichende Kapitalismusforschung: Stand, Perspektiven, Kritik, S. 133–136

Wagner, Ines, 2012: "Global restructuring, labour and the challenges for transnational solidarity" by Bieler, A.; Lindberg, I. (eds.). Book Review. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (2), pp. 378-380