Lecture and event series "Science Talks"

Flyer des sechsten Science Talk der Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften

Next date

Thursday 19 October 2023
3.30 to 7 p.m.
BG Clinic in Duisburg

The focus of the sixth event of the lecture and event series "Science Talks" on Thursday, October 19, 2023, will be exoskeletons, their research and application.

To this end, we will travel together to the BG Clinic in Duisburg, where we can view an exoskeleton in action. Afterwards, we will return to the Duisburg campus, where Prof. Dr. Elsa Kirchner from the Chair of Medical Technology Systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen will give a lecture on the topic "From SPACE to HEALTH and back" and present her research on exoskeletons:

"Exoskeletons are used in particular in the field of teleoperation and rehabilitation or support of patients. New developments should also make it possible to train and prepare astronauts for their missions under zero or reduced gravity using gravity compensating exoskeletons. In my talk, I will present the different applications and show how technical solutions with adaptations can be transferred between the mentioned fields, thus mutually benefiting each other."

Afterwards, you are cordially invited to the get-together.

Registration deadline: Friday, September 15, 2023

Registration for participation in the 6th Science Talks Event
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Do you have any questions about the event?

Then our research coordinator Dr. Evgenia Princi is your contact person:

Dr. Evgenia Princi

Phone: +49 (0)203 379 2595
E-mail: evgenia.princi (at) uni-due.de