Learning Strategies
What is it about?
We offer you a self-learning course on learning arrangements and a guide to promoting your learning and working techniques. Our approach does not see itself as a recipe book based on the principle of "successful in your studies in 30 days", but as an encouraging guide through your studies. Our offer of learning strategies/problem solving can be helpful for you, because understanding complex issues is indispensable, especially in engineering subjects. We want you to be able to develop a positive and personal relationship with your subject and encourage you to optimize your learning behavior and think about solutions.
Procedure and notes
You can take this self-learning course at any time. In each learning unit you will find different tasks and exercises, on which you are asked to work on. At the end of each learning unit, you can read the most important points in a summary. For each learning unit, we have created an explanatory video that gives you an insight into the topic (available only in German language).
Please carry out the exercises regularly throughout the semester and save the worksheets in a file. Please do check your progress continuously. If you do not feel any progress, consider what reasons might have been for this. If you need our support, please contact us via e-mail
Materials and exercises
The materials and exercises/tasks on this website are tools that are only useful when you use them. But if you train regularly, you will notice a work relief that will certainly be beneficial in your specialist studies.
Training sessions
In addition to the learning material, you will receive questionnaires, exercises and concrete training tips on learning strategies/learning techniques. You will find all this in the three training sessions.
Will I receive proof of participation or credits?
If you submit one task voluntarily selected from the learning material for each learning unit, we will issue you with proof of participation. Please send us all six tasks in one file via e-mail.
Learning units
LU 1 What is learning?
If you do learn something, it should not only be for the moment (or the next exam). You do want the knowledge to stay - don’t you?
The aim of this learning unit is that you
- understand the basic characteristics of learning
- know the most important influencing factors that require learning
- can reflect on your learning
LU 2 Learning strategies and techniques
The successful use of learning strategies and knowledge of learning techniques help you to optimize your own learning.
The aim of this learning unit is that you
- reflect on your previous learning styles
- expand your range of learning strategies
- can build an efficient learning system
- can turn your plans into work steps and learning actions
LU 3 Brain and perception
Man is his brain. All memories, all plans, knowledge acquisition and learning take place in our brain.
The aim of this learning unit is that you
- know broadly how the brain works
- understand which functions of the brain are relevant for learning
- learn how to optimize learning processes
LU 4 Learning curve - memory
Without memory, you can't learn, remember or plan the future. Memory is connected with learning.
The aim of this learning unit is that you
- can describe the characteristics of the forgotten curve and spaced learning
- understand that memory is not a single function of the brain
- understand the organization of memory
- can identify the basic types of memories
LU 5 Thinking
When we want to express an opinion, we often start sentences with "I think that..." But what exactly is thinking? Do we always think?
The aim of this learning unit is that you
- familiarize yourself with basic concepts of thinking
- know different forms of thought
- gain knowledge of what constitutes critical thinking
- understand the requirements placed on thinking
LU 6 Complex situations
We have routines available for solving simple problems, none for solving more complex problems.
The aim of this learning unit is that
- you can identify different types of problems
- you acquire knowledge about phases of problem solving
- you can identify characteristics of a complex problem
- you know the differences between simple and complex problem solving
Training sessions
TU 1 Work place
Where do you learn best? Are there places that are particularly pleasant for you to learn? Do you need a permanent workplace?
TU 2 Brain and thinking
Creative thinking: We do not provide solutions for these tasks, because they serve as inspiration for your creative reflection.
TU 3 Timetable
Your schedule should bring structure to your work processes. You should also find out when you can learn optimally.
TU 4 Self-motivation
The motivation does not come so easily flown in - therefore: do not give up and train!
TU 5 Dealing with difficult tasks
It is helpful if you develop learning strategy measures that help you overcome difficulties.