International Activities

For the Faculty of Engineering, internationalization is a priority goal to maintain its performance in research and teaching. This includes the introduction of a faculty-wide offer of internationally oriented Bachelor's and Master's programmes, the study programme "International Studies in Engineering" (ISE) as well as the support of German students to spend a period abroad at one of the many partner universities. Furthermore, the faculty has a large number of international guests, who do research in the faculty within the framework of Alexander von Humboldt, DAAD, Mercator Fellowships in DFG (joint) projects.

International Studies in Engineering
The "International Studies in Engineering" (ISE) program creates bridges between subjects and cultures: a wide range of professional qualification opportunities with a special emphasis on the requirements of the global labor market offer graduates comprehensive development opportunities in both industrial and academic terms - the intensive links to different, particularly non-European, cultures and countries create a cultural enrichment for the study and research environment. The attractiveness of the course offerings is also due to the possibility of combining Bachelor and Master degrees from different engineering disciplines as well as the interdisciplinary, cross-departmental Bachelor and Master programs.

Commission for International Affairs
The Commission for International Affairs advises the dean's office in international matters of the faculty. These tasks include, in particular, the preparation of strategic considerations regarding international orientation, support of ongoing activities with international relevance in teaching (incoming and outgoing), research cooperation and external presentation as well as coordination with the overarching activities of the university.

Double Degree Program Bologna
The Faculty of Engineering has developed a double degree Master's program "Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)" together with its Italien partner university in Bologna (Universiti di Bologna ). This program is the first double degree program offered to UDE students.
The program is developed with DAAD funding.
Liaison Offices Abroad
Mercator Offices
The Mercator offices of the University Duisburg-Essen are located on the campuses of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and the Universitas Indonesia within the faculty of engineering. They ensure a long-lasting presence of the University Duisburg-Essen in the entire region of South-east Asia.
UA Ruhr Offices
The UA Ruhr represents the universities of the Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr in the US and Russia.