We invite you to become acquainted with our faculty

Studying engineering brings a wide range of opportunities. We present our institutes, research areas and our latest equipment in an exciting image film. Get a taste of the atmosphere in our faculty right now and learn how we successfully educate engineers.

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In our roadmap video, we introduce you to our faculty support services that can be useful to you in planning and organizing your studies. 

We encourage you to take your first intentional step toward your graduation by benefiting from our services as much as possible. 

Check out our study roadmap to see where you are headed. 

We wish you a good journey through your studies and a lot of fun with our video!

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Studying in the Faculty of Engineering

Degree Offers

The spectrum of study programmes covers all departments with disciplinary, departmental and interdisciplinary, cross-departmental study programmes in attractive and innovative fields.

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First-year students

Here you will find important information for a successful start to your studies.

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Student Advisory Service

The Support Center for (International) Engineering Students – SCIES acts as a help desk for all questions concerning studies within the faculty and is therefore the first and central contact for students of the faculty.

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Module Database

For the organization of the study plans, the faculty uses an event database in which students can research the study contents at any time and from any place.

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Research in the Faculty of Engineering

Research Profiles

The faculty has combined the structuring of its research activities in interdisciplinary faculty research profiles. These focus the research activities of the majority of the institutes across departmental boundaries.

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Research Areas

The engineering sciences, with their closely networked subject areas, achieve a unique range of research, which is why they are highly regarded and networked in many areas, both nationally and internationally.

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Affiliated Institutes

The affiliated institutes are an important element of the faculty's application-oriented research and represent an elementary link to the economy.

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Scientific Institutes

In order to use the synergies within the Faculty of Engineering and with other faculties, research activities have been bundled in centers.

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The Faculty of Engineering introduces itself


From electrical engineering and computer science to mechanical engineering, materials technology and civil engineering, everything that belongs to the field of engineering is united under one roof.

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Despite its size, the Faculty of Engineering is characterized by a lean faculty administration. Nevertheless, the faculty offers a large and comprehensive range of support services.

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Student Teams

Student teams and student organizations have established themselves in the faculty, working together on a project and realizing it and successfully presenting it at competitions and championships.

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Alumni Activities

The Alumni Network of the faculty was founded with the aim of binding former students and staff to the faculty in the long term. The network publishes a newsletter every quarter and organizes the annual graduation ceremony.

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Study and research in the metropolitan region Ruhr

Two anchor points in the region

Despite all the prejudices, our region is not grey, but green – and rich in culture. At the same time, our region continues to be characterized by iron, steel, industry and ports.

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Living in the city of Duisburg

Sports & leisure, gastronomy, art & culture, numerous shopping opportunities and "special places": The city of Duisburg has much more to offer than just one of the largest universities in Germany.

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Living in the city of Essen

580,000 people live in the Ruhrcity: With the Limbecker Platz mall, the shopping city of Essen has gained enormously in attraction. The local recreation area around Lake Baldeney is also very popular.

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Impressions of Campus Duisburg and Essen

The people of the Ruhr area are known for their open-mindedness, inventiveness and a large portion of curiosity.

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25.06.2024 - 12:14:16

Grubenwasser in Südafrika

Im Ruhrgebiet wurde über 150 Jahre lang Steinkohle abgebaut – mit weitreichenden Folgen für das Wassermanagement in der Region. In Südafrika, …

17.06.2024 - 12:13:32

DigiTeamsBau in Förderprogramm aufgenommen

Das Konzept überzeugte: Als eines von fünf Projekten ist DigiTeamsBau der UDE-Fachdidaktik Bautechnik in das Förderprogramm Berufsschul-Digi-Teams …

17.06.2024 - 12:10:52

Einblicke in die Duisburger Wasserstoffforschung

Wasserstoff, Brennstoffzelle, Elektrolyse – von der Synthese bis zur Anwendung wird an der Universität Duisburg-Essen an sämtlichen Komponenten …

12.06.2024 - 12:09:39

Wichtige Säule im Klimaschutz

Welche Rolle spielt die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) – als wichtige Säule im Klimaschutz – für die Versorgungssicherheit bei der Energiewende? …

10.06.2024 - 12:11:37

Innovatives 5G-Projekt

Mona Neubaur, Ministerin für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie sowie stellvertretende Ministerpräsidentin des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, …

28.05.2024 - 14:54:12

Forschung unterhaltsam und leicht verständlich

Innovativ und kreativ, so ist die Wissenschafts-Szene in Essen. Erleben lässt sich das zwei volle Wochen lang, vom 3. bis zum 15. Juni, beim …

16.05.2024 - 09:05:28

UDE-Start-Up Last BIM gewinnt Gründungspreis

Großer Erfolg für das UDE-Gründungsteam Last BIM um Alumna Antonia Langner. Das Start-Up gewann einen der mit 7.000 Euro dotierten Gründungspreis …

14.05.2024 - 09:06:25

Globale Abhängigkeit von Rohstoffen verringern

Mit 87 Prozent der Weltproduktion hat China beinahe ein Monopol auf Magnesium*, einen wichtigen Rohstoff für die Metallurgie. Ingenieure der …

13.05.2024 - 09:04:01

Uniluft schnuppern – mal ganz anders

Es geht wieder los: MINT-interessierte Schüler:innen ab 15 Jahren können sich in den Sommerferien – vom 12. bis 16. August – erneut eine …

26.04.2024 - 14:14:14

UDE präsentiert Innovationen aus der Forschung

Die Universität Duisburg-Essen präsentiert Innovationen aus der Forschung auf der Hannover-Messe, einer der bedeutendsten internationalen Industriemessen, …