
Science Talks
With the Science Talks, we want to initiate thematic impulses, create space for a stronger, interdisciplinary exchange and, in particular, enable closer networking between the professors of the Faculty of Engineering. The Science Talks take place every six months and combine scientific lectures with exciting locations or activities.

FIW network for young researchers
By networking the young scientists of the Faculty of Engineering, postdocs and advanced doctoral students are given the opportunity to exchange experiences, get to know peers and learn more about the research of the other departments in the faculty.

Hydrogen in context
The energy transition is one of the central challenges of the coming years. Hydrogen as an energy carrier offers an enormous opportunity for the German energy industry. "Hydrogen in Context" is an initiative of the Faculty of Engineering of the UDE, the TIW and other institutions and bundles all information on the topic of "hydrogen" - from current research, cooperations and news to planned events.
Workshops & Seminars

21.04.2023Compact workshop "Design Thinking"
The first part of the compact workshop provides an overview of the origins of design thinking and its special features. Participants learn why quantity is sometimes more important than quality and why it is so important to build on the wild ideas of others.
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21.11.2022Transferworkshop „Perfect Pitch“
As part of the seminar series on the professionalisation of our faculty's researchers, the workshop on "Pitch your Research - Communicating Research Results in a Convincing and Target-Group-Specific Way" took place on Monday, 21.11.2022, 4-8 pm.

26.9.2022Workshop „Werkstatt – Handwerk trifft Wissenschaft“
Are you a craftsman in the finishing trades (electrical, drywall, sanitary, roller shutters, air conditioning, ...) and want to digitalise your business and make it future-proof?
Are you a scientist from the engineering sciences or computer science - e.g. research assistant, student, professor, graduate - and are interested in advancing the skilled trades with exciting ideas?
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11.7.2022Seminar "Drittmittel erfolgreich einwerben und verwalten"
For some years now, third-party funding has become increasingly relevant and is a fixed source of income at many universities and non-university research institutions. Often, the acquisition of third-party funding is even absolutely necessary in order to be able to conduct research at the highest level and thus strengthen one's own reputation. There are often a number of hurdles and stumbling blocks in the acquisition of third-party funding and its administration.