FIT Programm - Engineering Talents for Germany at UDE

International Talents in the Faculty of Engineering
- The Faculty of Engineering at UDE is working hard to close the skills gap in the engineering sector and at the same time meet the high demand for engineers. With around 8,000 students, the Faculty of Engineering is a key player in the education sector. Our engineering courses are important for Germany's industrial future and contribute significantly to the country's innovative power and competitiveness.
- In view of the declining interest in STEM subjects within Germany and the important role of international students for the future of engineering, we are focusing on targeted measures to support and integrate international students through our DAAD project “Engineering Talents for Germany”.
- Thanks to our commitment to „first generation academics“ in the Ruhr region, which is characterized by structural change, and our intensive partnerships with universities worldwide, we strive not only to promote academic success, but also to make a significant contribution to securing Germany's industrial future.
About the program
FIT stands for "Promotion of international talents for integration into studies and the labour market".

- To support international students in achieving academic success.
- To promote the integration of international students into the German job market after completing their studies.

- Courses for study preparation and ensuring academic success for international students
- Further development of career services
- Establishing a cooperative network with internal organizational units at UDE and external industry partners

- 01.04.2024 - 31.12.2028

Target groups
The measures are mostly - but not exclusively - complementary to the curricular, subject-oriented study programs in the Faculty of Engineering, depending on the following target groups:
- Target group 1: All regularly enrolled ISE students (Bachelor and Master)
- Target group 2: Double-degree students in the ISE Bachelor's program with partner universities in Southeast Asia and Mercator Office
- Target group 3: ISE students in the Bachelor's program according to §49 (5) and via Mercator Office
- Target group 4: ISE students in the Bachelor's program after the 1st and 2nd year of study from Zhengzhou University and Inner Mongolia University

Course Offerings
Our supplementary course offerings support international students from the above-mentioned target groups throughout their entire academic journey and include
- Courses at the beginning of studies
- Courses throughout the study program and
- Courses for entering the German job market.
To register for courses and workshops, please click the button below.
Study preparation and start of studies
Study preparation
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
Language courses A1, A2 and B1
German language course B2 at the Mercator offices
ICC1: "Intercultural Communication Competence" at the Mercator Offices
STEM course at the Mercator Offices
Start of studies
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
German language course B2 at UDE
ICC 2: "Intercultural competence in everyday university life in Germany" an der UDE
Orientation course (Living in Germany) at der UDE
Get Ready at UDE
Course of studies
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
ICC 3: "Intercultural communication - Navigating German Bureaucracy and Authorities " at UDE
Peer-to-Peer study help
Personal support for highly gifted and seeking advice students.
Courses for entering the German job market
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
Writing convincing applications (plus individual career coaching on the developed application portfolio) at UDE
"The first 100 days on the job" at UDE
Workshops and training courses on the application process at the UDE
The cooperative network
Internal actors Organizational units at UDE
External actors Practice partners and other stakeholders
- Mercator Offices
- Trade associations and regional companies
- Federal Employment Agency
- NRW Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Association of German Engineers
- Online portal for skilled workers “Make it in Germany”
- IW Sponsors' Association

Project team
- Project manager: Dr.-Ing. Frank Schwarz
- Project coordinator: Björn Cieminski
- Project assistant: Christina Iffarth
- For general enquiries, please send an e-mail to: