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Publikationen nach Jahr


  • Pitsch, K. (2023). Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion als Forschungsinstrument der Interaktionalen Linguistik. In: Meiler, M., Siefkes, M. (Hrsg.): Linguistische Methodenreflexion im Aufbruch, DeGruyter, S. 119-152.
    [PDF] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K., Krug, M. (2023). "One, two, three!" coordinating and projecting simultaneous start and end of joint actions in drills of rescue activities in mass casualty incidents. In: Journal of Pragmatics, 207 (2023), 111-127

  • Krause, A., Ferger, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). Anonymization of Persons in Videos of Authentic Social Interaction. Model Selection and Parameter Optimization. Submitted to: CMC Corpora 2023, Mannheim. 4 pages.

  • Krause, A., Ferger, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). Automatic Anonymization of Human Faces in Images of Authentic Social Interaction. A web application. Submitted to: CLARIN 2023, Leuven. 4 pages.

  • Ferger, A., Andre, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). A Continous Integration (CI) Workflow for Quality Assurance Checks for Corpora of Multimodal Interaction. Submitted to: CLARIN 2023, Leuven. 4 pages.

  • Ferger, A., Andre, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). Workflow and Methods for Creating Structured Corpora fo Multimodal Human-Robot-Interaction. Submitted to: CMC Corpora 2023, Mannheim. 4 pages.

  • Liebers, C., Agrawal, S., Krug, M., Pitsch, K., Beck, F. (2023). VisCoMET: Visually Analyzing Team Collaboration in Medical Emergency Training. In: Computer Graphics Forum 42, Nr. 3 (2023), S. 149 - 160.


  • Pitsch, K. (2020). Answering a robot’s questions. Participation dynamics of adult-child-groups in encounters with a museum guide robot. In: Réseaux. Communication - Technologie - Société, 220-221(2-3), 113-150.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Krug, M., Cleff, C. (2020). Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Collaboration in Medical Team Work. In: ECSCW 2020, Siegen.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Scheffler, J., Pitsch, K., (2020). Pre-beginnings in Human-Robot Encounters. Dealing with time delay. In: ECSCW 2020, Siegen. 
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K. (2020). Répondre aux questions d’un robot. Dynamique de participation des groupes adultes-enfants dans les rencontres avec un robot guide du musée. In: Reseaux. Communication - Technologie - Société, S. 115 - 150.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K., Bachmann, P., & Dudda, M. (2020). ‚Triage‘ in Mass Casualty as Situated Interaction. Algorithm and Participation. In: ECSCW 2020, Siegen.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]


  • Kopp, S., Cyra, K., Kummert, F., Schillingmann, L., Brandt, M., Freigang, F., Opfermann, C., Straßmann, C., Yaghoubzadeh, R., Buschmeier, H., Krämer, N., Pitsch, K., Wall, E. (2018). Conversational assistants for elderly users. The importance of socially cooperative dialogue. In: AAMAS 2018 - Workshop "Intelligent Conversational Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications", Stockholm, S. 10 - 17.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]


  • Cyra, K., Pitsch, K. (2017). Dealing with 'Long Turns' Produced by Users of an Assistive System. How Missing Uptake and Recipiency Lead to Turn Increments. In: RO-MAN 2017, Lissabon, S. 329 - 334.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Cyra, K., Pitsch, K. (2017). Dealing with long utterances. How to interrupt the user in a socially acceptable manner? In: HAI 2017, Bielefeld, S. 341 - 345.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Gehle, R., Pitsch, K., Dankert, T., Wrede, S. (2017). How to Open an Interaction Between Robot and Museum Visitor? Strategies to Establish a Focused Encounter in HRI. In: HRI 2017, Wien. S, 187 - 195.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Gehle, R., Dankert, T., Wrede, S. (2017). Interactional dynamics in user groups. Answering a robot's question in adult-child constellations. In: HAI 2017, Bielefeld, S. 393 - 397.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Opfermann, C., Pitsch, K. (2017). Reprompts as Error Handling Strategy in Human-Agent-Dialog? User Responses to a System's Display of Non-understanding. In: RO-MAN 2017, Lissabon, S. 310 - 316.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Opfermann, C., Pitsch, K., Yaghoubzadeh, R., Kopp, S. (2017). The Communicative Activity of "Making Suggestions" as an Interactional Process. Towards a Dialog Model for HAI. In: HAI 2017, Bielefeld, S. 161 - 170.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]


  • Dankert, T., Goerlich, M., Wrede, S., Gehle, R., Pitsch, K. (2016). Engagement detection during deictic references in human-robot interaction. In: ICSR 2016, Kansas City, S. 930 - 939. 
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Cyra, K., Amrhein, A., Pitsch, K. (2016). Fallstudien zur Alltagsrelevanz von Zeit- und Kalenderkonzepten. In: MuC 2016, Aachen.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K. (2016). Limits and opportunities for mathematizing communicational conduct for social robotics in the real world? Toward enabling a robot to make use of the human’s competences. In: AI & Society, 32 (4), S. 587 - 593.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Amrhein, A., Cyra, K., Pitsch, K. (2016). Processes of reminding and requesting in supporting people with special needs. Human practices as basis for modeling a virtual assistant? In: ECAI 2016, Workshop "Ethics in the Design of Intelligent Agents" (EDIA), Den Haag, S. 18 - 23.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Dankert, T., Gehle, R., Wrede, S. (2016). Referential practices. Effects of a museum guide robot suggesting a deictic ‘repair’ action to visitors attempting to orient to an exhibit. In: RO-MAN 2016, New York.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]


  • Yaghoubzadeh, R., Pitsch, K., Kopp, S. (2015). Adaptive Grounding and Dialogue Management for Autonomous Conversational Assistants for Elderly Users. In: IVA 2015, Delft, S. 28 - 38.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K., Yaghoubzadeh, R., Kopp, S. (2015). Entering Appointments. Flexibility and the Need for Structure? In: GSCL 2015, Duisburg/ Essen, S. 140 - 141.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K. (2015). Ko-Konstruktion in der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion. Kontingenz, Erwartungen und Routinen in der Eröffnung. In: E. Gülich, U. Krafft, U. Dausendschön-Gay (Hg.), Ko-Konstruktion in der Interaktion. Die gemeinsame Arbeit an Äußerungen und anderen sozialen Ereignissen (S. 229 - 258). Bielefeld: Transcript.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Gehle, R., Amrhein, A., Krug, M., Pitsch K. (2015). Towards Using Eyetracking Data as Basis for Conversation Analysis on Real-World Museum Interaction. In: SAGA 2015, Bielefeld.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Gehle, R., Pitsch, K., Dankert, T., Wrede, S. (2015). Trouble-based group dynamics in real-world HRI. Reactions on unexpected next moves of a museum guide robot. In: RO-MAN 2015, Kobe, 407 - 412.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Pitsch, K., Wrede, S. (2014). When a robot orients visitors to an exhibit. Referential practices and interactional dynamics in real world HRI. In: RO-MAN 2014, Edinburgh, S. 36 - 42.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Süssenbach, L., Riether, N., Schneider, S., Berger, I., Kummert, F., Lütkebohle, I., Pitsch, K. (2014). A robot as fitness companion. Towards an interactive action-based motivation model. In: RO-MAN 2014, Edinburgh, S. 286 - 293.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Vollmer, A., Mühling, M., Steil, J. B., Pitsch, K. (2014). Robots show us how to teach them. Feedback from robots shapes tutoring behavior during action learning. In: PLoS One, 9 (3).
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Gehle, R., Pitsch, K., Wrede, S. (2014). Signaling Trouble in Robot-To-Group Interaction. Emerging Visitor Dynamics With a Museum Guide Robot. In: HAI 2014, Tsukuba, S. 361 - 368.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Skutella, L. V., Süssenbach, L., Pitsch, K. (2014). The prosody of motivation. First results from an indoor cycling scenario. In: ESSV 2014, Dresden, S. 209 - 2015.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Vollmer, A., Rohlfink, K. J., Fritsch, J. (2014). Tutoring in adult-child-interaction. On the loop of action modification and the recipient’s gaze. In: Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems. 15 (1), S. 55 - 98.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Henne, M., Kopp, S., Pitsch, K. (2014). Virtuelle Assistenten als verbindende Schnittstelle zu verschiedenen Unterstützungssystemen. In: AAL-Kongress 2014, Berlin.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]


  • Kramer, M., Yaghoubzadeh, R., Kopp, S., Pitsch, K. (2013). A conversational virtual human as autonomous assistant for elderly and cognitively impaired users? Social acceptability and design considerations. In: Informatik 2013, Koblenz, S. 1105 - 1119.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Gehle, R., Wrede, S. (2013). Addressing Multiple Participants. A Museum Guide Robot’s Gaze Shapes Visitor Participation. In: ICSR 2013, Bristol, S. 587 - 588.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Gehle, R., Wrede, S. (2013). A museum guide robot. Dealing with multiple participants in the real-world. In: ICSR 2013, Bristol.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Nomikou, I., Pitsch, K., Rohlfing, K. J. (2013). Asymmetry and adaptation in social interaction. A micro-analytic perspective. In: Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems. 14 (2), S. VII - XII.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K., Neumann, A., Schnier, C., Hermann, T. (2013). Augmented Reality as a tool for linguistic research. Intercepting and manipulating multimodal interaction. In: IVA 2013 - Workshop "Multimodal Corpora: Beyond Audio and Video", Edinburgh, S. 23 - 29.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Heimes, A. (2013). Fachmethoden im bilingualen Unterricht. In: W. Hallet (Hg.), Handbuch bilingualer Unterricht. Content and Language Integrated Learning (S. 243 - 250). Seelze: Klett.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Neumann, A., Schnier, C., Hermann, T., Pitsch, K. (2013). Interaction Analysis and Joint Attention Tracking in Augmented Reality. In: ICMI 2013, Sydney, S. 165 - 172.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Vollmer, A., Mühling, M. (2013). Robot feedback shapes the tutor’s presentation. How a robot’s online gaze strategies lead to micro-adaptation of the human’s conduct. In: Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems. 14 (2), S. 268 - 296.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Hermann, T., Neumann, A., Schnier, C., Pitsch, K. (2013). Sonification for Supporting Joint Attention in Dyadic Augmented Reality-based Cooperation. In: Audio Mostly 2013, Piteå.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Yaghoubzadeh, R., Kramer, M., Pitsch, K., Kopp, S. (2013). Virtual Agents as Daily Assistants for Elderly or Cognitively Impaired People. In: IVA 2013, Edinburgh, S. 79 - 91.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Pitsch, K., Lohan, K. S., Rohlfink, K., Saunders, J. (2012). Better be reactive at the beginning. Implications of the first seconds of an encounter for the tutoring style in human-robot-interaction. RO-MAN 2012, Paris, S. 974 - 981.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Süssenbach, L., Pitsch, K., Berger, I., Nieher, R., Kummert, F. (20120). Can you answer questions, Flobi? Interactionally defining a robot’s competence as a fitness instructor. In: RO-MAN 2012, Paris.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K. (2012). Exponat - Alltagsgegenstand - Turngerät. Zur interaktiven Konstitution von Objekten in einer Museumsausstellung. In: H. Hausendorf, L. Mondada, R. Schmitt (Hg.), Raum als interaktive Ressource. Studien zur deutschen Sprache (s. 233 - 273). Tübingen: Narr. 
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Brüning, B., Schnier, C., Pitsch, K., Wachsmuth, S. (2012). Integrating PAMOCAT in the research cycle. Linking motion capturing and conversation analysis. In: ICMI 2012, Santa Monica, S. 201 - 208.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Brüning, B., Schnier, C., Pitsch, K., Wachsmuth, S. (2012). PAMOCAT. Automatic retrieval of specified postures. In: IREC 2012, Istanbul.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Lohan, K. S., Rohlfink, K. J., Pitsch, K., Saunders, J. (2012). Tutor spotter. Proposing a feature set and evaluating it in a robotic system. In: International Journal of Social Robotics, 4 (2), S. 131 - 146.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K. (2012). Zeigegesten und kollaborative Bedeutungskonstitution in der Interaktion mit Aphasikern. Charles Goodwin, aus dem Englischen von Karola Pitsch. In: R. Ayaß, C. Meyer (Hg.), Sozialität in Slow Motion. Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer.
    [Bibliographie UDE]


  • Schnier, C., Pitsch, K., Dierker, A., Hermann, T. (2011). Adaptability of Communicative Resources in AR-based Cooperation. In: GESPIN 2011, Bielefeld. 
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Wrede, S., Seele, J., Süssenbach, L. (2011). Attitude of German Museum Visitors towards an Interactive Art Guide Robot. In: HRI 2011, Lausanne, S. 227 - 228.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Brüning, B., Schnier, C., Pitsch, K., Wachsmuth, S. (2011). Automatic detection of motion sequences for motion analysis. In: ICMI 2011 - Workshop "Moltimodal Corpora and Machine Learning", Alicante.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Schnier, C., Pitsch, K., Dierker, A., Hermann, T. (2011). Collaboration in augmented reality. How to establish coordination and joint attention? In: ECSCW 2011, Aarhus, S. 405 - 416. 
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Lohan, K. S., Pitsch, K., Rohlfing, K. J., Fischer, K., Saunders, J., Lehmann, H., Nehaniv, C., Wrede, B. (2011). Contingency allows the robot to spot the tutor and to learn from interaction. In: ICDL 2011, Frankfurt a. M. 
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Holthaus, P., Pitsch, K., Wachsmuth, S. (2011). How Can I Help? Spatial Attention Strategies for a Receptionist Robot. In: International Journal of Social Robotics, 3 (4), S. 383 - 394.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Vollmer, A., Pitsch, K., Lohan, K. S., Fritsch, J. (2010). Developing feedback. How children of different age contribute to a tutoring interaction with adults. In: ICDL 2010, Ann Arbor, S. 76 - 81. 
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K., Koch, B. (2010). How infants perceive the toy robot Pleo. An exploratory case study on infant-robot-interaction. In: IDETC 2010, Montreal/ Québec, S. 80 - 87.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Brüning, B., Schnier, C., Dierker, H. (2010). Linking Conversation Analysis and Motion Capturing. How to robustly track multiple participants? In: LREC 2010, Malta, S. 63 - 69. 
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Luff, P., Pitsch, K., Heath, C., Herdman, P., Wood, J. (2010). Swiping paper. The second hand, mundane artifacts, gesture and collaboration. In: Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14 (3), S. 287 - 299.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Krafft, U. (2010). Von der emergenten Erfindung zu konventionalisiert darstellbarem Wissen. Zur Herstellung visueller Vorstellungen bei Museums-Designern. In: U. Dausendschön-Gay, C. Domke, S. Ohlhus (Hg.), Wissen in (Inter-) Aktion. Verfahren der Wissensgenerierung in unterschiedlichen Praxisfeldern, (S. 189 - 224). Berlin: de Gruyter.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Lohse, M., Hanheide, M., Pitsch, K. (2009). Improving HRI design applying Systemic Interaction Analysis (SInA). In: Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 10 (3), S. 298 - 323.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Luff, P., Heath, C., Pitsch, K. (2009). Indefinite precision. The use of artefacts-in-interaction in design work. In: J. Carey (Hg.), The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis, (S. 213 - 224). London: Routledge.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Kawaguchi, I., Kuzuoka, H., Suzuki, Y., Nakao, H., Yamshita, J., Pitsch, K., Yamazaki, K. (2009). Effect of Restarts and Pauses of a Robot's utterance on Drawing People's Attention. In: Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 13 (3), S. 257 - 264).
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Vollmer, A., Lohan, K. S., Fischer, K., Nagai, Y., Pitsch, K., Fritsch, J., Rohlfink, K. J. (2009). People Modify Their Tutoring Behavior in Robot-Directed Interaction for Action Learning. In: ICDL 2009, Shanghai.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K. (2009). Interaktion und Spracharbeit im bilingualen/immersiven Geschichtsunterricht. Zum Zusammenhang von Verbalsprache, Körpergestik und Notationspraktiken. In: S. Ditze (Hg.), Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht (CLIL) im Kontext von Sprache, Kultur und Multiliteralität, (S. 203 - 223). Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Yamazaki, K., Yamazaki, A., Okada, M., Kuno, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Hoshi, Y., Pitsch, K., Luff, P., vom Lehn, D., Heath, C. (2009). Revealing Gauguin. Engaging Visitors in Robot Guide’s Explanation of an Art Museum. In: CHI 2009, Boston, S. 1437 - 1446.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K., Vollmer, A., Fritsch, J., Wrede, B., Rohlfing, K., Sagerer, G. (2009). On the loop of action modification and the recipient's gaze in adult-child interaction. In: GESPIN 2009, Poznan.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Pitsch, K., Kuzuoka, H., Suzuki, Y., Süssenbach, L., Luff, P., Heath, C. (2009). "The first five seconds". Contingent stepwise entry into an interaction as a means to secure sustained engagement in Human-Robot-Interaction. In: RO-MAN 2009, Toyama, S. 985 - 991.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Pitsch, K., Luff, P., Wood, J., Heath, C., Herdmann, P. (2008). Linking Paper and the Digital. Exploring Affinities between a Mundane Technology and a Complex Artefact. In: SIMTech 2008, Cambridge.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Kuzuoka, H., Pitsch, K., Suzuki, Y., Kawaguchi, I., Yamazaki, K., Yamazaki, A., Kuni, Y., Luff, P., Heath, C. (2008). Effect of restarts and pauses on achieving a state of mutual orientation between a human and a robot. In: CSCW 2008, San Diego, S. 201 - 204.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K. (2008). Assessment of User Experience. PaperWorks - FP6-516895: Progress Report from the EU-Project. London: King's College.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Pitsch, K., Ayaß, R. (2008). Gespräche in der Schule. Interaktion im Unterricht als multimodaler Prozess. In: H. Willems (Hg.), Lehr(er)buch Soziologie. Für die pädagogischen und soziologischen Studiengänge, (S. 959 - 982). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Pitsch, K. (2007). Application and Interaction Design. PaperWorks’ (FP6-516895): Progress Report from the EU-Project. London: King's College.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Pitsch, K. (2007). Koordinierung von parallelen Aktivitäten. Zum Anfertigen von Mitschriften im Schulunterricht. In: R. Schmitt (Hg.), Koordination. Analysen zur multimodalen Interaktion, (S. 411 - 446). Tübingen: Narr. 
    [Bibliographie UDE]


  • Amsalu, S., Kneidl, O. Pitsch, K., Wittler, M. (2006). Report on the international workshop "Processes of Communication". In: Gesprächsforschung. Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, 7, S. 79 - 84.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Pitsch, K. (2006). User requirements and Specifications of Requirements. PaperWorks’ (FP6-516895). London: King's College.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Pitsch, K., Schwabe, M. (2006). 9th Conference on Discourse and Conversation Analysis: "9. Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung", Mannheim (Germany), April 02-04, 2003). In: Gesture, 6 (1), S. 156 - 164.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]

  • Pitsch, K. (2006). Sprache, Körper, intermediäre Objekte. Zur Multimodalität der Interaktion im bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht. Dissertation, Bielfeld, 230 Seiten.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]


  • Pitsch, K. (2005). Construction of knowledge in bilingual German-French history lessons. Interactive emergence of 'common ground'. In: W. Herrlitz, W. Maier (Hg.), Dialogues in and around Multicultural Schools. Selection of Articles from the International Workshop of IADA in Utrecht, (S. 169 - 186). Berlin: De Gruyter.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Pitsch, K., Raithel, V. (2004). International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Multimodal Communication" at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Bielefeld University, Germany, January 9-10, 2003). In: Gesture, 4 (1), S. 109 - 133.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]


  • Domke, C., Pitsch, K., Schwabe, M. (2003). Bericht über die 9. Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung vom 2. - 4. April 2003 in Mannheim. In: Gesprächsforschung. Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, 4, S. 132 - 144.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [PDF]

  • Domke, C., Pitsch, K., Schwabe, M. (2003). Bericht über die 9. Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung vom 2. - 4. April 2003 in Mannheim. In: Deutsche Sprache. Zeitschrift für Theorie, Praxis, Dokumentation, 31 (2), S. 171 - 181.
    [Bibliographie UDE]

  • Pitsch, K., Gut, U., Milde, J. (2003). Multimodale bilinguale Korpora gesprochener Sprache. Korpuserstellung, -analyse und -dissemination in der TASX-Umgebung. In: U. Seewald-Heeg (Hg.), Sprachtechnologie für die multilinguale Kommunikation. Textproduktion, Recherche, Übersetzung, Lokalisierung, (S. 406 - 420). Frankfurt am Main: GDLV.
    [Bibliographie UDE


  • Domke, C., Pitsch, K., Schwabe, M. (2002). 6. Arbeitstreffen Linguistische Pragmatik (ALP) am Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim am 25./26. Februar 2002. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 30 (2), S. 265 - 269.
    [Bibliographie UDE] [DOI]