1st International Symposium 2023
We thank all speakers and participants for their contribution!
Report about the Symposium
From 10th to 12th of October the first International Symposium "Triggers of Cell State Transitions“ of the DFG funded CRC1430 "Mechanisms of Cell State Transitions" took place at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Besides the members of the CRC1430 we were happy to welcome international guest speakers, who gave encouraging talks and presentations to exchange their latest research and results on "Triggers of Cell State Transitions".
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Fantastic work was especially done by the three Awardees of our Poster Prizes:
1. Lana Buzuk, 2. Gina Simon and 3. Daniella Munro.
Moreover, the Social Event with a Guided Tour, a Conference Dinner & Get-Together at "Zeche Zollverein" delivered an excellent opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas between the scientists.
Special Thanks to:
Organizers & Contact
Hemmo Meyer
Markus Kaiser
Principal Investigator
Milena Parlak
Scientific Coordinator