Sex and Gender in the Life Sciences 2024

A lecture series of UDE’s DFG networks in the field of Biomedical SciencesSex and Gender in the Life Sciences
The aim of the lecture series is to show perspectives on how research in the life sciences can utilize the analytical potential of the gender dimension and open up new directions. With reference to the expertise of the participating consortia, speakers will address core topics of the consortia and illustrate the relevance of the gender perspective using their own research results.
- initiated by UDE’s strategic research area "Biomedical Sciences", represented by the Erwin L. Hahn Institute (ELH) and the Center of Medical Biotechnology (ZMB), and the Essen College of Gender Research
- organised in cooperation with seven large DFG networks at the University of Duisburg-Essen in the field of life sciences
- online and in English
⇒ Programme
Attention! Postponement announcement!
⇒ Participating Networks
⇒ UDE press report
How to enter
Close to the beginning of each lecture, this is where you will find the link to the Zoom room.
When the time comes, click on the link and enter the Zoom room to join the lecture.
Programme 2024
May 14th |
Prof. Dr. Anke Hinney & PD Dr. Andrea Kindler-Röhrborn, UDE Gender-sensitive medicine – it’s time!Hosted by EKfG, ZMB & ELH |
June 20th |
Prof. Dr. Olaf Hiort, University of Lübeck Do we have to re-define sex in biomedical research?Hosted by CRC/TR 296 |
July 2nd |
Dr. Lisa Deloch, University Hospital Erlangen Gender and inflammation as influencing factors in radiation response:
August 1st |
Dr. Silke M. Müller, UDE Consideration of sex and gender in (the planning of research projects on) behavioral addictionsHosted by FOR 2974 |
August 21st |
Dr. Luisa Rajcsanyi & Prof. Dr. Selma Ugurel, University Medicine Essen Biological sex and other determinants of biological diversity as influencers of immediate and long-term therapy outcome in melanomaHosted by CRU 337 |
October 29th |
Prof. Dr. Sandra Iden, Saarland University Heterotypic cell-cell communication and sex-specific differences in the skinHosted by CRC 1430 |
! postponed to 2025 !
Prof. Dr. Birgit Derntl, University Hospital Tübingen
! postponed to 2025 ! Hosted by CRC 1280 |
December 3rd |
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krämer, University of Lübeck Impact of steroid hormones on affective behaviorHosted by TRR 289 |
Participating Networks
FOR 2974: Affective and Cognitive Mechanisms of Specific Internet-Use Disorders
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Matthias Brand
Coordination: Dr. Annika Brandtner

TRR 289: Treatment Expectation
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bingel
Coordination: Dr. Katharina Schmidt
CRU 337: Phenotypic Therapy and Immune Escape in Cancer

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexander Rösch
Coordination: Dr. Astrid Hensel
CRC/TR 296: Local Control of Thyroid Hormone Action
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dagmar Führer-Sakel
Coordination: Dr. Lydia Borgelt
CRC 1280: Extinction Learning
UDE Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Timmann
Coordination: Sandra Linn
GRK 2762: Heterogeneity, Plasticity & Dynamics in Cancer Cell, Tumor
and Normal Tissue Responses to Cancer Radiotherapy
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Verena Jendrossek
Coordination: Coordination: Liza Psotta
CRC 1430: Molecular Mechanisms of Cell State Transitions
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hemmo Meyer
Coordination: Dr. Milena Parlak