ICCE - Regulations


The ICCE provides the following services for all ZMB researchers and collaborating groups of the University Duisburg-Essen or external universities and research institutions:

  • state-of-the-art equipment for advanced light microscopy techniques,
  • technical advice in sample preparation and
  • support in image analysis

The facility can also be used by individuals outside the academic sector if capacity is available. In this case, the contractual regulations for research and development work of the University of Duisburg-Essen apply and are accepted for the use of ICCE services. These can be viewed at "Vertragliche Regelungen für F&E-Arbeiten der UDE".

Please, contact us to discuss if your project can be conducted at our microscope systems.

Guidelines & Registration

As an ICCE User, we expect you to be aware of the  “ICCE Terms of Use“ (German version, English version). All work performed at the ICCE must confer to our Terms of Use/Guidelines. Only registered users who completed the appropriate training on the requested microscope system are allowed to book and use it independently.

If you want to become an ICCE User you have to complete the following steps:

  1. Contact and meet the Core Facility staff to discuss the project and figure out which microscope system and setup is best suited for your research needs.
  2. Download the ICCE Terms of Use and read them carefully. Complete the User Registration Form provided by the Core Facility staff. Please note that the responsible PI has to sign the Registration Form as well. Upon successful registration you will receive your personal account credentials for the online booking system.  
  3. Schedule and complete the required training with the Core Facility staff. Depending on the complexity of the microscope system and the previous knowledge of the user the practical training may consist of one or two sessions between 30 minutes and several hours. Initial training might be performed with your own samples. This can be discussed in the initial meeting.


If you publish data recorded on one of these instruments please acknowledge the ICCE.

In case of substantial scientific contributions, the respective ICCE member needs to be listed as a co-author on the publication.

Moreover, the acknowledgement of the publication MUST include a reference to the corresponding funding number given with the instrument name (you will also find these on the ICCE homepage on the respective equipment page). Please contact Nina and Johannes before you submit a publication. We will be happy to help you and check the numbers etc. (this also applies to the methods section).

Affiliation ZMB 

Please pay attention to the spelling of the ZMB in the affiliations. It should be uniformly named Center of Medical Biotechnology. Currently, spellings such as “Centre” or “Center for” are very common. Please check this and use the correct spelling.

Usage fees for ICCE Equipment (as of January 2025)

Usage fees for ICCE Equipment (as of January 2025)

ICCE Equipment

application  operation

service operation

Nikon N-SIM S

30 € / h

90 € / h

Leica TCS SP8X Falcon

30 € / h

90 € / h


20 € / h

79 € / h


20 € / h

79 € / h

Andor/Nikon Ti-E Spinning Disk

20 € / h

79 € / h

Nikon Ti2 TIRF DualCam

20 € / h

79 € / h

DeltaVision Elite

12 € / h

70 € / h

Thermo Fisher Scientific EVOS M7000

12 € / h

70 € / h

Zeiss AxioObserver Z.1 mit Mikroinjektionseinheit

12 € / h

70 € / h

Zeiss Axio Observer 7

12 € / h

70 € / h