Hello, Goodbye and Welcome Back! – 2019
Hello, Good-bye and Welcome Back!
IN-EAST graduates, family and friends, new students, returning BA students, IN-EAST staff and lecturers joined our graduation and welcome ceremony on October 25, 2019. At the event with the headline “Hello, Good-bye and Welcome Back!”, graduates and students shared their personal impressions and valuable insight with the audience.
Musik und Hello!
Wie in den Jahren zuvor sang Lisa Bachmann als Intro die inoffizielle Hymne an unsere Stadt: Duisburg – Du bist DU. Lia Musitz leitete als Moderatorin durch die Veranstaltung, Axel Klein begrüßte die neuen BA-Erstsemester.
Welcome Back!
Einige BA-Studenten, die aus dem Auslandsjahr in einer unserer Partner-Universitäten in China, Japan oder Korea zurückgekehrt waren, hatten von ihrem Aufenthalt dort Videos gedreht. Dem Publikum wurden die Filme aus der Kobe City University und aus der Wuhan University gezeigt, außerdem noch ein Zusammenschnitt von mehreren anderen ostasiatischen Universitäten. Dazu wurden die Filmemacher auf das rote Sofa auf der Bühne gebeten und von Lisa Bachmann zu ihren Eindrücken von ihrem Auslandsaufenthalt interviewt: Anna Herr erzählte von ihren Erfahrungen an der Fukuoka University, Philip Hollmann berichtete von der Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Dicle Alak nahm die Zuhörer mit zur Wuhan University.
Nele Noesselt as deputy director of the IN-EAST welcomed the new MA students, spanning a wide range from Plato's cave allegory to IN-EAST’s task to train good researchers. Lia Musitz introduced Dirk Petzold, chairman of the alumni association AlFreDO. He talked about the importance of membership to support young students and announced the AlFreDO-funded Deutschlandstipendium which was awarded to Davide Viero (Master CEAS). Dennis Arabadzhiev, Hannah Elisabeth Grüttgen and Kuat Sultanbekov had been awarded with UDE scholarships. Lia Musitz announced the winner of the AlFreDO Best Thesis Award: Andrew Devine for his Master thesis Authoritarian Resilience and the Evolution of Chinese Internet Governance (supervised by Prof. Nele Noesselt).
Good-bye! and Music
Lia Musitz led through the actual graduation ceremony. Each graduate student entered the stage and received his/her Bachelor from Prof. Axel Klein or his/her Master certificate from Prof. Nele Noesselt.
Click here for the bachelor graduates’ photos
Click here for the master graduates’ photos
At the end all graduates assembled on the stage for a group photo, standing still as well as throwing their mortarboards.
The traditional Graduation Speech was held by Simon Paulukat (Bachelor).
As closing point, Lisa Bachmann returned to stage with her song Good-bye IN-EAST.