B.Sc. Industrial Engineering
Study period
full-time: 7 semesters (3,5 years)
part-time: 14 semesters (7 years)
Study begin
Winter semester
Study place
Campus Duisburg
The Bachelor's programme in Industrial Engineering provides a broad education in the fields of economics and engineering, including their overlapping areas, as well as in-depth specialised knowledge in one field of application each (in the technical field in mechanical engineering, energy technology or information technology).
The aim of the study programme is to train students who can be employed in many technical and economic fields of work, but especially where commercial and technical competences are required simultaneously. In addition to the technical competences, the students also acquire the ability to move in the socialisation worlds of the sometimes different subject cultures of economics and engineering.
The success of the programme, which has been offered since 2003, is also evident in the fact that the graduates have very good job prospects and are already in demand by companies as interns or working students during their studies, even if (as is often the case) a Master's degree is also added.
Study at UDEStudy plan
General Information
Living & Studying at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Introduction of the institutes
You have questions? We have answers!
Support Center for (International) Engineering Students Student advisory service
SG 119
Geibelstr. 41
47057 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0)203 379 3776
E-mail: scies@uni-due.de
Opening hours: Check homepage
Student council Industrial Engineering
We are your point of contact! If you have questions about your studies or general concerns about us or our lecturers, you can contact us. We will solve your problems and answer your questions directly if possible or forward you to the right people. Just write us an email (fsr-wiing@uni-due.de), or on Facebook or via Discord!
For prospective students and enrolled students General student counseling
ABZ offers counseling to prospective students, enrolled students and graduates on all questions concerning the choice of study program, studies and the transition into working career.
Support in the Faculty
General counselling as well as counselling in the field of economics
Dr. Katharina Jörges-Süß
MF 145, Tel. 0203 37-91273
Office hours: Th, 13:00-14:00 Uhr (by prior appointment via email), other office hours by appointment.
Electrical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hirsch
BE 111C, Tel.: 0203 37-93370
Office hours: by appointment
Information Technology
Dr.-Ing. Lars Häring
BA 241, Tel.: 0203 37-93366
Office hours: by appointment via telephone or mail
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arun Nagarajah
Please contact:
Andrea Eckold
room: SG 168 115, Tel. 0203 37-93925
Board of examiners
Prof. Andreas Wömpener
Vice Chairman
Prof. Arun Nagarajah