Hannah Kröll (she/her)

Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Macrosociology and Transnational Processes (Prof. Dr. Anja Weiß), Institute for Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Contact Details


office: tba
fon: +49 203 3791742
e-mail: hannah.kroell@uni-due.de
office hours: on appointment
admin support: Ines Fricke-Groenewold

Universitaet Duisburg-Essen
Institut für Soziologie
Lotharstr. 63
47057 Duisburg


Dissertation Project

The objective of my doctoral research is to develop an intersectional grounded theory on ableism, based on the experiences of disabled and non-disabled individuals. Dis/ability is a category of difference which has been given less attention to in intersectional analyses, especially compared to gender, race, and class. The concept of ableism refers to disability-related devaluation processes. There is a need for an empirically and theoretically sound justification for the assumption that dis/ability is a distinction that systematically determines access to resources. Accordingly, the phenomenon of ableism calls for further theorisation.

In my view, there are two aspects to this need for theorisation. Firstly, dis/ability is a heterogeneous and fluid category that encompasses many different impairments and experiences are summarized. This lack of precision in the category of difference is also reflected in previous definitions of ableism. There is a need to analyse ableism and its relationship to other disability-related -isms, such as audism or saneism. Secondly, the interaction between dis/ability and other categories of difference has not yet been sufficiently considered in definitions of ableism. Consequently, my dissertation focuses on inter-categorical diversity within the difference category dis/ability as well as on intra-categorical intersections and the co-construction of categories of difference. As a result, my dissertation project is based on two theoretical guiding questions:

  1. When characterising dis/ability as a heterogeneous and intersectional category of difference, what constitutes the phenomenon of ableism?
  2. How does ableism relate intersectionally to other social power structures?

In terms of methodology, constructivist Grounded Theory Methodology is employed for intersectional analysis. Using a multidimensional, open, and field-controlled recruitment strategy, I will use narrative interviews in order to gain access to personal experiences expressed in narratives. In the interviews, I follow the principle that the conduct of the interview must be adapted to the participants and their communicative needs. In line with Dis/ability Studies, I employ a participatory research design in that I include research participants in the discussion of analytical results.

Information for Those Interested in Participating

Research Focus

  • Qualitative Social Research
  • Dis/ability Studies
  • Intersectionality
  • Parenthood

Network for Research on Ableism

The Network for Research on Ableism was founded by Hannah Kröll in December 2024. It unites researchers from different career stages who investigate the category of difference dis/ability and questions concerning ableism.

Register here for the network's mailing list!


since 09/2024 Doctoral Researcher, Department of Macrosociology and Transnational Process, Institute for Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen

06/2023-08/2024 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (lecturer), Department of Sociology, Faculty 05 - Social Sciences

05/2022-06/2023 Spokesperson for Equal Opportunities, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

08/2022 Master's Thesis titled "'When you're the one where something is different, this 'perfect world' is somehow not prepared for that.': Denormalisation and Pathologisation of Individuals with Down Syndrome in Institutional Support Contexts" (German)

10/2019-11/2022 Master of Arts in Sociology (Profile: Sociological Methods), University of Bielefeld

04/2018-03/2019 Certificate "Gender Studies", University of Cologne

09/2019 Bachelor's Thesis titled "'Just eat!': Experiences of Stigmatisation of Women in the Context of Anorexia" (German)

10/2015-09/2019 Bachelor of Arts in the subjects Politics and Society (core subject) and Philosophy (accompanying subject), University of Bonn


Kröll, H. (under review). Denormalization of Individuals With Down Syndrome in German Institutions: Parental Experiences. Invited submission to the Special Issue "Children With Disability and Their Families", European Societies.

Kröll, H.; Beckord, C. (2022). Chances and Limits of Using fMRT in Neurocriminology. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 105(3), 203-221. https://doi.org/10.1515/mks-2022-0009. (German, double-blind peer-reviewed)



"Doing Intersectional Research on Ableism: Countours of a Dissertation Project", International Workshop 'Intersectionality as Key Concept for Research on Diversity' (Cornelia Goethe Centrum, Frankfurt am Main)

"Entanglements of and with Ableism: Reflections on the Methodological Feasibility of Intersectional Discrimination Research" (German), Conference of the German Sociological Association (Osnabrück)

"The Lossof Trust in Institutional Support for Children With Down Syndrome: Parental Experiences in Germany", Conference of the European Sociological Association (Porto)


"Social Interaction with Parents of Children With Down Syndrome: Initial Results of a Master's Thesis", Colloquium on Research Questions in Disability Studies (University of Cologne, online)

"Intersectionality of the Climate Crisis", Panel Discussion of Amnesty International Germany e.V. (online)


"Human Rights' Future - Women's Future", Panel Discussion of the Institute for Science and Ethics (University of Bonn)

"Women - Social, Economic, and Cultural Inequalities in the Global Context", BIMUN/SINUB e.V. (University of Bonn)


Winter Semester 2024/25: Grounded Theory (seminar for Master students)


  • Disability Studies Network
  • Qualitative Methods Network
  • DGS-Section Methods of Qualitative Social Research
  • DGS-Section Social Problems and Social Control
  • DGS-Section Sociology of the Body and Sports
  • DGS-Section Women and Gender Studies
  • German Sociological Association (DGS)