Prof. Dr. Karola Pitsch - Professorin für "Multimodale Kommunikation, Soziale Interaktion & Technologie"

Prof. Dr. Karola Pitsch

Professorin für Multimodale Kommunikation,
Soziale Interaktion & Technologie


Scopus Author ID: 35194699000

Büro: R12 T03 E18
Telefon: +49.201.183 3917
Telefon Sekretariat: +49.201.183 2807



Aktuelle Projekte:

Weitere Forschung

Neuste Publikationen

  • Pitsch, K. (2023). Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion als Forschungsinstrument der Interaktionalen Linguistik. In: Meiler, M., Siefkes, M. (Hrsg.): Linguistische Methodenreflexion im Aufbruch, DeGruyter, S. 119-152.
    [PDF] [DOI]
  • Pitsch, K., Krug, M. (2023). "One, two, three!" coordinating and projecting simultaneous start and end of joint actions in drills of rescue activities in mass casualty incidents. In: Journal of Pragmatics, 207 (2023), S. 111-127.
  • Krause, A., Ferger, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). Anonymization of Persons in Videos of Authentic Social Interaction. Model Selection and Parameter Optimization. Submitted to: CMC Corpora 2023, Mannheim. 4 pages.
  • Krause, A., Ferger, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). Automatic Anonymization of Human Faces in Images of Authentic Social Interaction. A web application. Submitted to: CLARIN 2023, Leuven. 4 pages.
  • Ferger, A., Andre, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). A Continous Integration (CI) Workflow for Quality Assurance Checks for Corpora of Multimodal Interaction. Submitted to: CLARIN 2023, Leuven. 4 pages.
  • Ferger, A., Andre, A., Pitsch, K. (accepted). Workflow and Methods for Creating Structured Corpora fo Multimodal Human-Robot-Interaction. Submitted to: CMC Corpora 2023, Mannheim. 4 pages.
Alle Publikationen


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