M.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Distance Study)

Study period

6 semesters (3 years) as part time study course



Study begin

Winter and summer semester

Study place

University distance learning program




At the University of Duisburg-Essen, engineers with a bachelor's degree or university of applied sciences degree will have the opportunity to qualify for a scientific doctoral career or as employees in management positions in the electrical engineering and information technology industry - in the "University Master Distance Learning Program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology."

The distance learning program is a unique career opportunity to further your education while working and at the same time pursue a master's degree. This actively counteracts the impending shortage of skilled workers in the electrical engineering and information technology industry and expands your skills and scientific qualifications.

The 4 selectable profiles allow you to look in different directions.

While the focus of automation engineering is on theoretical and experimental modeling and simulation, advanced methods and theories of control engineering, treatment of stochastically disturbed systems, technologies of devices and systems in automation engineering and applications in electrical power engineering, the profile in digital communication systems focuses on optical networks, analog and digital system theory, statistical signal processing, coding theory, transmission technology (especially for radio systems) and radio wave propagation as well as antennas.

For the development of new communication systems or for the optimal use (dimensioning and parameterization) of given systems, an in-depth understanding of the basic transmission methods is of crucial importance, while in automation technology the quality and safety with simultaneous cost reduction, both in increasing requirements for energy efficiency in production and in products is used.

The ever-increasing speed demands on circuit electronics, particularly in the context of message-based data transmission, means that both the electronic components and the resulting transmission channels must often be operated at the limits of what is physically possible. Against this background, the profile in high-frequency systems provides an insight into the theory and modeling of electronic fields, wave propagation in radio channels and optical transmission media, systems and components of optical communication, antenna technology and high-frequency systems, and thus also circuit concepts of microwave electronics.

In the context of the energy transition, it will be essential to flexibly adapt networks and consumption to the fluctuating regenerative feed-in. For this reason, the profile Intelligent Energy Networks focuses on electromagnetic fields and high-voltage technology, generation and transport of electrical energy, decentralized electricity generation and distribution, (intelligent) control and regulation of energy networks.

Study at UDEStudy plan

General Information

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SG 119
Geibelstr. 41
47057 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0)203 379 3776
E-mail: scies@uni-due.de


Student council Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

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Support in the Faculty

Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Buß
Phone: 0203 379-1180

Board of examiners